District 9: Male: Midas Schell (pandorica902) (PULLED OUT)

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Name: Midas Schell

Gender: Male

District: 9

Age: 17

Appearance: He's a flash from the past, tall, dark hair, blue eyes muscular, his looks favor that of a nation long gone, of the American west. His skin is tanned his build is rigid and hes ready for the inevitable.

Background: Midas has been raised with one thing engrained into him. 'Feed the land, watch it grow.' His community like others within the 12 districts, is depressed, low, and formidable, but from a young age his mother showed him the beauty in growing and cultivating the scarred land of a legendary continent. "She has lost children, She is sad." His mother would whisper as she planted seeds and kneaded the earth. As he looked out on the stage of impending chaos from his platform he remembered. The warm autumn air stirred the tasseled corn in the endless field. She looked at her son for what might possibly be the last time. "you my dear are a Farmer." he gazed at her with slight fear, this was a word he had never heard spoken so freely before. " Hold that title with high esteem, you are a nurturer of the land. You tend, feed, and care for her, and in time she will repay you. Just wait my little farmer just wait." " THREE, TWO...."

Token: Under his breath he prayed rubbing the little green rock in his pocket. "I need you, like you need me."

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