District 2: Female: Serena McCray (HeroKatrin) (DEAD)

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Name: Serena McCray

Gender: Female

District: 2

Age: 18

Appearance: Chestnut really long wavy hair (they reach her back), chestnut eyes that look gold when they're exposed to light, pale skin, long eyelashes, big full red lips, tall and strong body.

Background: She has been training since she turned 8, because her mother died in the games! She had planned to volunteer at the games when she turned 19, but when her sister, who Serena really loved, got sick due to illness she had since birth and was peaked to represent their district at the games, Serena volunteered to save her from sure death! Serena not only fights for glory, but also to see her sister's face and blue eyes again!

Token: a knitted lace she tights round her hand which her sister made for her to wish her good luck!

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