District 2: Male: Paxton Kepner (TheDarkHorse) (PULLED OUT)

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Name: Paxton Kepner

Gender: Male

District: 2

Age: 18

Appearance: Paxton, in some aspects, is exactly what you would expect from a Peacekeeper-In-Training, from District Two. His brown hair is always kept perfectly trimmed, he cuts it biweekly, and sometimes even daily basis. His brown eyes always have a glint of determination in them, unless he is being spoken to by a supervisor. Then all signs of life vanish and he becomes almost robotic. In some aspects, on the other hand, he is the exact opposite of what you would expect. Paxton is incredibly tall, especially for District Two, and towers over his peers. Reaching a height of six and a half feet, yet not weighing two hundred pounds, Paxton is somewhat lanky. His hands are covered in scars from training accidents, and the rest of his body has it's fair share as well. The one part of his body that seems to have been spared from the scars is his face. Paxton always stands tall, with respect for his superiors, or intimidating those below him.

Background: Paxton is a Peacekeeper-In-Training. He is hardly ever home, since his family lives on the far side of the District. He has become a bit of a stranger to them, and his little brother Franklin (16) is often called the oldest child of the Kepner family. Paxton doesn't have many friends either, instead knowing everyone in Peacekeeper-In-Training program as partners. Paxton is the epitome of perfectionism and discipline. As such, he is at the top of his class and is expected a good assignment, either the Capitol or District Four. He has been training since the age of six, when he was taken from his home because he had potential. For the next four years he was raised at the Barracks, then allowed to return home on occasion. As well as being trained with ordinary weapons, he knows how to use a gun and he understands the technology the Capitol uses. In his spare time, he studies. He has learned edible plants, and how to survive in the wilderness, just in case he gets stranded for some reason. As well as being trained, the Peacekeeper-In-Training learn sociology and first aid. Although he was never meant to go into the Games, he won the Reaping Tournament and then was reaped. Since he won the Reaping Tournament, nobody volunteered for him and he was forced into the Games.

Token: Paxton has no connection to material objects.

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