Chapter Eight - In Whoa

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Paralyzed - 8 - Done

In Whoa

To those who may not know, this is in the categories of...







Not a Love Triangle


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"Dylan!" Called Mr Knight as I screamed. I was screaming, shaking and believe it or not...slightly crying. "Calm down! She isn't here. Please calm down, son!"

"Stop!" I screeched digging my nails into his arm. He gritted his teeth and for some reason didn't seem fazed. Like he had been trained at how to take care of this situation.

"Satan, leave! I command you to leave in the name of Jesus Christ!" He laid his hand on my forehead and bowed his head. He murmured some words but I didn't really pay attention. I kicked and struggled but soon stopped due to a sudden spirit of peace.

Mr Knight lifted his hand from my forehead and sat up straight. Something pulled me to speak up and tell him...

"Sir, I have kept this hidden from everyone. Afraid of what they'd think but...I feel it's time for me to say it to you now." I paused to look him straight in the eyes. "Amy is my-"



I looked up to my mom in confusion. "What did you say?" I asked.

She rolled her eyes. "Gosh. No one listens to me and I just have to repeat myself. I said, My old friends son is coming to stay with us for the night. And I want you to be nice. He just um lost his girlfriend. That's what I understood of what she said." Mother shrugged and went back to her cooking.

I sighed. "No girls?" I asked jokingly.

Mom chuckled and tried her best to glare but failed miserably. "Nope. Just him and you. Be nice! No matter what he looks like or sounds or anything like that. Be nice."

I nodded. "Yes ma'am. So when are they-"

Knock, knock!

I groaned. "Here it goes." I fallowed mom to the door and she swung it open. A middle aged woman entered the house. I'm guessing she was my mothers friend. I braced myself to meet her son.


I gapped as I stared straight at the last man I thought would be here.


Love you guys!!!

- Jesse


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