Mitch Marner (Toronto Maple Leafs)

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"I couldn't believe you got that pass to Christian! It was insane," I shook my head in disbelief, sipping my coffee cautiously. "You guys had to have been dying to want to do it," 

"We were trying it in practice for a long time and finally found the opportunity. Worked out pretty well, huh," he laughed, flicking water at me.

"For sure," I agreed. "You've obviously been home for awhile, but I haven't had the chance to ask. How was training camp?"

"It was really good. I was paired with Auston for most of it. Matthews has some amazing hands. He definitely deserved to go first,"

"Yeah, I heard-"

My words were cut off by the blaring sound of his ringtone.

"I'm so sorry," he looked towards me sympathetically. "I have to take this,"

"I get it. Seriously, Mitch. I'm fine. It's your agent. Go, go," I shooed him away, sighing sadly when he walked out of the restaurant.

Mitch and I hadn't seen each other in six months. With my school and his hockey, it was difficult to be with one another. The drive between Toronto and London was only two hours, which was helpful for emergency trips, but completely inconvenient none-the-less.

I smiled at Mitch's slightly flustered figure outside. His fingers were tangled in his now messy hair, a nervous habit he always had. His bottom lip was tucked between his teeth and his fingers tapped impatiently on the back of his phone.

When the sudden grin formed on his face, my eyebrows raised in surprise. His arm shot up quickly and he looked at me through the window, eyes bright and jaw dropped. 

"What the hell?" I muttered, hand up in curiosity. 

He hung up after a few more words and rushed into the restaurant, pulling me out of my seat and into a tight hug. I yelped when my feet left the ground.

"What's up, Mitch? What's gotten you so happy?" I giggled as he set me down.

"It's happening, (Y/N). I'm actually doing it. Oh my god," he sputtered out "I'm actually playing for the Leafs this season,"

"Mitch, that's amazing," I let out a breath of relief, wrapping my arms around his waist once more. "You have to tell your parents. You have to tell Christian, all of your teammates. And your grandparents, oh Mitch, your grandpa is gonna be so excited,"

"I promise we'll tell them, but I have something else in mind right now," he grabbed my hand and dragged my outside.

"Mitch, the bill," I reminded him, trying my best to keep up.

"Paid for it," he chuckled, pulling me into his side.

My phone buzzed in my back pocket and I stifled a laugh when I saw the notification. "You know what? I don't think we're gonna have to tell anyone where you're playing because the NHL app just did that,"

Mitch sighed. "Dang, my parents are going to be upset that they didn't find out beforehand,"

Cliff Pu's contact name flashed across my screen. "They aren't the only ones. What's up, Cliff?"

"Why wasn't I the first to find out that my boyfriend is going to debut?" 

"Why wasn't I aware that he was cheating on me with you?" I shot back.

Mitch shook his head and rubbed at his eyes. "He's so stupid,"

"Fair enough," Cliff huffed immaturely. "Anyway, why isn't dipshit answering his phone?"

He leaned in closer to me. "I put it on silent, so I wouldn't have to talk to you,"

"Whatever. Just make sure you don't turn it off. I had mine off during the entire draft day and it literally broke from how many comments, texts and calls I was getting," he warned.

"Alright, bud, thank you," I ended the call after he said his goodbyes and turned to Mitch. "So, not that it matters anymore, what was more important that we have to do than calling your mom and dad?"

"Well, we'll obviously do that first because finding a place to live in going to take awhile," he shrugged.

"Are you serious?" I stopped in my tracks.

"Yeah, I'm serious," he looked down at me weirdly. "If I'm moving to Toronto, you're moving out of that crappy apartment,"

"It's not that-" I bit my tongue "you know what, yeah, I'd definitely like to move out of my apartment,"

"We're naming our dog Rufus by the way," he nudged my side. "I have another-"

"Wait, me first. Mine's probably more important anyways," I interrupted, squeezing his side. "Exactly what kind of dog are we getting and when are we getting it?"

Requested by officergap :)

I accidentally deleted this entire chapter yesterday, so I had to rewrite everything. It took me forever to try and remember what the hell I wrote before.

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