Dylan Larkin (Detroit Red Wings)

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I smiled awkwardly at the boy in front of me. He was going on and on about something that I had absolutely no knowledge of and he just... wouldn't stop talking. I didn't want to be rude and just get up and leave, but I was getting ready to do just that. 

All I had wanted to do was come to the library to get away from my roommate to finish studying and ended up coming across another bothersome person. 

I brought my head up, finally giving up on my book and taking a good look at him. He was very cute. He had beautiful green eyes, unruly curly brown hair, and an adorable smile. His eyes would shine every once and awhile, telling me that he was talking about something he loved. 

"And it was absolutely insane and you're not listening to a thing I'm saying, are you?" 

I sat back and my eyes widened. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I've just been so stressed and busy with schoolwork. I'm- uh- sorry,"

He laughed. "You apologize a lot,"

"Sorry. Wait- sorry. I just-" I rolled my eyes and bit my tongue, looking down in embarrassment.

He chuckled, then held his hand out "I'm Dylan,"

"I'm (Y/N)," I said, shyly taking his hand.

"So (Y/N)," he leaned back in the seat "what are you studying?"

"Well, I'm a neurologist student and we're currently learning about how neurotransmitters have a role in depression," I told him. He stayed silent, giving me a go-ahead to continue "um-  depression has been linked to problems or imbalances in the brain with regard to the neurotransmitters serotonin, norepinephrine, and dopamine. Recently, another neurotransmitter, glutamate, has been implicated in depression as well, but more research is necessary at this time to determine the nature of this relationship,"

"Wow," he leaned forward again "I have absolutely no idea of what you just said, but I think it's amazing that you know stuff like that. I'm actually impressed,"

I laughed and closed my book. "Tell me more about you then, Mr. Dylan,"

"I don't want to stop you from your studying,"

"Most of the stuff I've learned in my two years of studying here, I already learned my high school years. By myself. I didn't have many friends, so I spent most of my time on the internet looking at information about the brain," I shrugged, bringing my coffee mug up to my lips and taking a sip.

"That's actually kind of nice. My whole life, I've kinda been in the spotlight. I've played hockey since I was really young, so I was always on the ice in front of people," he twiddled his thumbs, suddenly seeming a bit timid.

"Cool. Do you still play?" I asked.

"Yeah, actually. I just got drafted into the NHL. I've been playing with the Red Wings for awhile,"

"That's amazing," I grinned "I'm more of a soccer fan, but a few of my cousins watch hockey. They're really big Detroit fans," 

The librarian walked over to our table and tapped her watch. "Sorry honey. I'm going to have to close up in a couple minutes."

"Oh okay," I picked up my backpack and started stuffing my books inside.

"Who's this little cutie? I didn't know you had a boyfriend, (Y/N)," she turned to Dylan, moving her glasses on top of her head.

My face heated up and I tried to sputter out an answer. Dylan laughed and stood up, towering over her. "I'm Dylan Larkin, ma'am. I'm just a friend of hers, not her boyfriend," he then leaned in and whispered something to her that made her smile and look over at me with her hands over her heart.

"Good luck, Dylan," she whispers, a bit too loudly, and walks away.

I looked at him, awaiting an answer.


I narrowed my eyes at him. "Good luck with what?"

"Oh nothing. Hey, why don't we take a walk?" he wrapped his arm around my shoulder and pulled me away from the table.

I struggled to swing my strap over my shoulder and keep up with him at the same time. 

"Where are we going, why are you in such a hurry and why does it include you having your arm around me?" I questioned his antics. 

"You ask a lot of questions, don't you?" he teased, removing his arm from around me.

"I just met you like thirty minutes ago. Sorry if I'm a little curious," 

We walked down the steps of the library and down the sidewalk. 

"I'm just taking a wild guess, but there isn't a certain place you're taking me, is there? We've just been walking around aimlessly for five minutes," I looked at him, adjusting my backpack.

"Honestly, I've just been trying to muster up enough courage to ask you out," he looked down at the sidewalk.

I stopped. "Wait... really? You want to ask me out? Like on a date?"

"Yes, like on a date," he chuckled.

"Oh! Sure! I'd love to!" I smiled.

"Really? You actually want to?"

"Yes," I laughed.

"That's great! I mean- no, yeah that's great! Uh, here," he held out his phone.

I quickly typed in my number and handed it back to him. He put it back in his pocket and looked at me. 

"I'll text you all the details," he said, quickly leaning down and kissing my cheek. 

"Okay," I replied softly, surprised by his action.

He just smiled and turned around, walking across the street and out of sight. I touched my cheek and smiled widely. 

What an awesome day.

Requested by hockeyboysaf :)

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