Jack O'Callahan (1980 USA Olympics)

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*I know that he was on the Blackhawks and Devils, but I just decided to do the Olympic team because that's really what he's most known for.

I felt their stares burning through me. All around me, my future teammates gawked at me as if I was some kind of unknown creature. I just sighed and continued to lace up my skates. I leaned back when I was done, jumping slightly in surprise when I noticed someone was standing on the other side of the boards, looking directly at me.

"Can I help you?" I asked, kindly, growing uncomfortable.

"Are you lost?" he wondered.

"Er- no, I'm not lost. Why?" I questioned while gathering my hair back into a low ponytail.

"Girls don't play hockey," he stated, bluntly.

"Yeah? Well, this one does and I hope there won't be too big of a problem because we'll be playing together for awhile," I smiled sweetly at him, opening the boards and stepping out onto the ice, helmet in hands.

I glided around for a quick lap, stopping to join the group when out coach called to talk to us.

"Alright boys, we have a new player. This is (Y/N) (L/N). (Y/N) is from the University of Chicago. She will be playing in the spot of your former teammate," as he said this, I saw a few boys throw their head back and heard groans. "Also, if I catch any of you giving her a hard time, I will personally kick your ass and find another person-."

"I can handle myself," I interrupted "seriously, I appreciate your concern, but I've played with guys before. I know how they can be... especially on the ice."

He nodded to me and I heard someone let out a quiet snort. My eyes moved to a different boy. He was very handsome, light brown hair and a killer smile. He was staring at me, a gaze that made my face heat up. 

Coach let us go, catching up with me before I got too far. "(Y/N), I mean it when I say to tell me if they're bothering you. You're a hell of a player, (L/N), but I know that because you're a girl, they'll think they have a reason to say something to you."

"Thanks, Coach. I promise I'll tell you if something happens, alright?" I assured him, slightly annoyed at his constant worry.

He nodded and skated away, joining one of the other players. I sighed once again and grabbed my stick before sliding a puck towards myself. I moved it around a bit, getting used to the movement before I hit it towards the goal. It bounced off the inside of right post and went into the net. I smiled.

"Nice shot, new girl," a deep voice called from behind me.

I turned around to see the player that had earlier made butterflies fill my stomach. "Thanks."

"I'm Jack O'Callahan, Boston University," he held his hand out. 

I shook it briefly. "I would introduce myself, but you already kind of know."

"Yes, I do and can I just say I'm awfully impressed by the way you shoot the puck. Most of the team can't even get it in the net," he joked, earning a few yells from center ice. 

"Well, isn't that nice. It's kind of unfortunate that your- um- our teammates don't necessarily l-like me," I stuttered, pushing a loose strand of hair behind my ear.

"It's not like that," he defended, quickly "we're just not used to having- you know- a girl on our team."

"It still isn't that big of a deal. I don't bite," I winked, earning a laugh from him. "Just because I'm a girl doesn't mean I can't play hockey. I assure you that I play as good- if not better- than everyone on this team, including you, Mr. O'Callahan."

He smiled at my mini-rant and twirled his stick around in his hand. I shifted my weight back and forth on my blades for a bit, trying to think of something more to say to lessen the silence.

"Would you like to go out with me sometime?" he suddenly asked.

"Of course! I mean- uh- yeah, that'd be nice," I mentally hit myself. Good job, (Y/N).

He grinned at me. "Cool. Do you want to meet here tomorrow around six? We can skate around awhile, then go get something to eat?" 

"Sounds awesome. I'll see you tomorrow, then?" I noticed that everyone was leaving the ice.

"I'll see you tomorrow," he confirmed, leaning down and kissing my cheek.

Whistles filled the otherwise silent area and I ducked my head down, playing with the bottom of my jersey. 

"Get lost!" Jack shouted at the team, getting teasing comments back.

"Hey, new girl!" I turned my head to see who I now know as Jim "Welcome to the team."

Requested by taylorrobertson1234 :)

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