Max Pacioretty (Montreal Canadiens)

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"Get up, Max. Come on, Pacioretty, get up," I mumbled, crossing my fingers and praying that he was okay.

My eyes filled with fury as Zdeno was walked off to the locker room, smile on his face. Motherfucker.

I put my attention back on Max and saw Alex and Nathan helping him off the ice, a trainer and the team doctor following close behind. I sprung out of my seat and raced back to the locker rooms. I found Zdeno standing outside of the Bruins doorway. 

"Was there really a reason for that?" I spat when I approached him. 

His eyebrows raised. "You are his wife, right? How cute. He can't defend himself, so he sends his little fighter."

"Screw you. Not only was that absolutely and completely uncalled for, but it was dirty. It was so dirty, even Dale Hunter would be jealous. Unbelievable. You're a good player, Zdeno -especially for your age- but you wouldn't know the definition of 'playing clean' if it smacked you in the face. Did you ever stop and think for a second that maybe it wasn't a good idea to land a hit like that on someone who's had a concussion?" I asked.

"If his injury was that bad, he wouldn't have got back on the ice," he smirked.

I was going to do it. I was going to hit him right in the damn face. I would love to see how he would react to that. 

"Listen, you son of a-"

"(Y/N)!" Nathan and Alex ran up to me. Nathan wrapped his arms around my shoulders and pulled me towards him "We should probably get going. Max has been wanting to see you."

They forced me back into the Canadiens locker room where the doctors had Max set up on a chair. All his pads were off, his undershirt as well, leaving him only in his compression shorts. The doctor was checking out his upper body, pushing into areas around his chest. When he got to the space around his collarbone, Max jolted backwards and groaned. 

"Definitely a break. He'll be out 12 weeks max.," the doctor said. He quickly bandaged around his chest and shoulder. "I'll set your surgery for later today or early tomorrow. I promise I'll try and get you in as soon as possible. Don't work yourself too much until then."

Max nodded and leaned back, closing his eyes and letting out a grunt of pain. The others all left, leaving myself, Max, Alex, and Nathan in the room.

"Oh Max," I sighed, walking to his side and moving his hair back "how bad does it hurt?"

"More than you'd think," 

I gritted my teeth. "There was no reason he should have hit you. That was so unnecessary, it's not even remotely funny. He could've hurt you so much worse. I swear-"

"(Y/N), I'm fine," he laughed "yes, I could've gotten hurt worse, but I didn't. It's just a break. Gally will take care of him."

"Brendan would be the last person to have any sort of affect on Zdeno Chara. I think I handled it fairly well," I smiled, proudly.

"You said something to him?" his eyes went wide and he cupped my face in his hands "What did he say? What did he do?"

"He didn't do that much. He was being a jerk about it, but Nate and Alex stopped me before I could actually physically do something to him," I rolled my eyes, slightly pulling back out of his reach.

I saw Max mouth 'thank you' to the two boys sitting on the bench in front of us. I furrowed my eyebrows and jokingly elbowed him.

"You're mean," he pouted.

"Hmm, but you love me," I grinned.

"Okay, that's our cue to leave. Thank you very much. You're welcome. Goodbye!" Nathan shouted, quickly gathering his equipment and tugging Alex out of the room. 

I smiled and moved closer to Max, resting a hand on his abdomen before pressing a kiss to his lips. "Love you,"

"I love you, too, but I'm curious... what exactly did you say to him?"

Requested by HabsFan_ :)

I really don't like the way this turned out :(  had to rewrite this whole thing because my last one didn't save, but I hope you like it! 

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