Tom Wilson (Washington Capitals)

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Take Carla to class tomorrow. Pick up Tom and Michael's suits. Hair cut at 3:30. Pick up Chinese food at 5:00. Walk to-

My thoughts stopped when I hit something hard, almost falling to the floor. Arms wrapped around my waist before I hit the ground and pulled me back to my feet.

"I'm so sorry," I squeaked, looking up from my phone.

In front of me stood one of the Dallas Stars centermen, Tyler Seguin. My face heated up at the sight of him.

"I'm not complaining, sweetheart. It's not every day a beautiful girl like yourself runs into me,"

I laughed awkwardly at the comment and fiddled with my fingers, not knowing what else to do or say.

"I'm Tyler Seguin, if you didn't know,"

"I know- I mean, yeah, my boyfriend is playing you tonight,"

A sudden flash of interest seemed to spark in his eyes and a smirk formed on his lips. He fixed his jersey and leaned onto his stick.

"Oh, that's too bad. I'm sure that he's a bit problematic if he's a Cap. Who is this boyfriend of yours?"

"Doesn't matter who he is, he's sure as hell a lot less problematic than you," I spit, crossing my arms.

His eyes flickered down to my chest and I almost smacked him right then and there. Instead, I situated my arms over my chest and mentally scolded myself for not taking Tom's jersey he'd offered me earlier that day.

"Look, I really need to go, but I have to say something. You're the most narcissistic, ignorant jackas* I've ever met in my life and I'm really disappointed by how popular you are, but that just comes from the looks, right? You have no sense of respect for anyone and I hope that one day, someone does smack some sense into you because, hell, I almost did just then. Have a good day," I smiled sarcastically.

"You've got quite a mouth on you for a pretty little thing, don't you?"  

"I'd really appreciate it if you didn't talk to her like that," a voice cut into our conversation and I almost cried in relief.

"Ah, you're the boyfriend," Tyler turned around to face him.

"Yes, I am and I'd be happy to knock some damn sense into you if you don't give her some respect. She's a woman, Seguin, not a toy," Tom waved me over and I scurried past Tyler, purposely bumping his shoulder.

"Whatever. Have fun," Tyler picked up his skates and entered back into the Stars locker room.

Tom turned me to face him, running his hands over my face and resting them on my waist.

"He didn't touch you, did he? I swear to god, if he-"

"He didn't, Tom. I promise he didn't lay a finger on me," I whispered, reaching up and pecking his cheek softly.

He hugged me tightly and rested his head in the crook of my neck.

"I'm sorry I wasn't here earlier," he apologized.

"Tom, no," I leaned back and put my hands on his shoulders "you don't have to say sorry for that. It's not like you did it,"

He smiled and kissed my forehead.

"I have to go, okay? Meet me here after the game,"

I nodded, hugging him once more before one of the trainer's called him out to the ice.

||Third period||

"And Tom Wilson and Tyler Seguin going at it! Look at Wilson go!"

My head snapped up to the ice and, sure enough, Tom was beating the living hell out of Tyler. He gripped Tyler's jersey and swung three times, each one landing on the same spot, forming a cut on Tyler's cheek. As they fell to the ice and the referee's tried to pull them apart, Tom landed one more punch, hitting Tyler directly in the nose. Blood immediately began pouring out of both nostrils and I cringed at the sight. The refs took Tom to the penalty box and sent Tyler with one of the medical staff.

"Seguin's not a fighter! He didn't have a chance with Wilson!" One of the announcers shouted, making my smile, proudly.

"That's exactly why he shouldn't have taunted Wilson! I mean look at this!"

The big screen flipped to the scene that I had missed earlier. They were just coming off from another penalty call when Tyler shoved Tom from behind. Tom turned around, pushed Tyler back, and then the gloves were off.

"I don't know what it was, but that fight was personal," the other announcer chuckled, and the game started back up again.

||After the game||

Cheers erupted from the Caps locker room and I internally cheered with them. A few of the wives and I sat along the wall outside the room, waiting for them to come out.

Lyla Oshie sat on my lap, giggling as I bounced her up and down. I talked with Lauren until TJ came out. I got up along with her, kissing Lyla's cheek before handing her over to TJ. He and Lauren hugged me goodbye.

The door swung open again and, this time, Tom walked out.

I jumped into his arms and wrapped my legs around his waist, giving him a congratulatory kiss. He laughed and set me down, grabbing my hand and walking us out of the building.

"So... what'd you think of my fighting skills?"

"I don't know, Wilson... I think you're going soft," I teased "no, but really. I think you broke his nose,"

"Good," he gulped down the rest of his Gatorade "the little fu*ker deserved it,"

"Yes he did," I agreed.

We stopped in front of the car and I hugged him close again, resting my head on his chest.

"Thank you for doing that, Tom," I sighed.

"I did it because I love you. No woman deserves to be treated like that. Ever. I'm just glad nothing happened to you,"

Requested by kaitlynmahon1234 :)

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