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The 12 of them quickly raced into the elevator, letting Rhodey and Sam take care of those HYDRA goofs. They all rushed to the parking lot and hurried in the van, Steve quickly had a count down to 12...

"Okay, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven..."
Again he smirked... only this time Kristine came running in as he lift her up as she giggled,

"... twelve. " he kissed her forhead as they both got in.

Again Bucky drive and went off,

"Oh the Allfather, guys we will never make it in time!!!" Loki cried.

"Be positive!" Swara insisted as Loki nodded.

"Don't worry, I know a short cut!" Bucky insisted as he drove down the highway...

"You sure?" Bruce asked worriedly.

"Hey, listen what Swara said... Be positive..." Fiona simply said. Bruce looked at her and shrugged,

"Okay." He simply said.

"Yeah, we are so not telling our dad about the whole HYDRA kidnapping, showing our powers, running through Stark Inderstorie's and about me, Kristine and Fiona falling of the building... Although, I wish I could tell that Amorelle tasered a bad guy..." Kaitlyn said outloud with a giggle.

"Yeah, me too..." Tony chuckled.

"I am just surprise he kept getting up..." Thor mumbled with soft smile.

"But, this got be the most crazy day ever..." Beth insisted as everyone nodded in agreement.

Up ahead there was a gas station... as Amorelle checked out a black van parked there... her eyes widen,

"Guys! Thats father's van!!!" She squeaked.
Everyone's eyes widen,

"EVERYONE DUCK!!!!!!!!!" Steve cried.
As he and everyone else, including Bucky ducked their heads.
As they past, Fury, Wanda, Pietro, Clint and Natasha walked out of the gas station... Fury froze for bit...

"Fury, you okay?" Clint turned and asked...

"My father senses are tingling..." Fury wispered.

Wanda smiled,

"You probably miss your daughters..." she said.

Fury nodded,

"Yeah... BUT IF TONY, STEVE, THOR, BRUCE, LOKI AND BUCKY LOST THEM I WILL-! He stopped as Wanda, Natasha, Pietro and Clint all finished,

"You will kill them..."

"That's right." Fury smirked.
Back in the van:

"Oh God, their here!" Steve cried.

"Quick, how fast does your dad drives?!" Bucky quickly asked.

"In his normal speed, when he is not chasing cars or being chased, around 40-50..." Beth and Kaitlyn both said as they held hands.

"In this case, we will go 80-90..." Bucky sped up.
They all managed to get back to Avengers Tower at 11:35.
They all got to the living room as Tony turned to the girls,

"You six, get changed, we will clean up here."

The sisters nodded and ran off.

"Okay, let's just hope Fury doesn't kill us..." Tony mumbled and got to work...

Okay, done here for now...😊😀😁

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