Amorelle in Distress...

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Thor took Amorelle a area where he was sure she would be safe...

"Thor... are we safe here?" Amorelle whimpered as Thor set her down...

"Hopefully my princesse..." Thor whispered, which was very odd since he was naturally loud... now he is soft as a mouse...

Amorelle nodded and rested a bit...
Thor than looked at her...

"I saw you are a fine archer..." Thor said...
Amorelle beamed,

"Thank you." She giggled.
Thor smiled, but sigh,

"And you have lovely wings... but they remind me of..." Thor stopped for moment... Amorelle looked at him, with a worry look...

"Remind you of what?" She asked quietly,

"They remind me of... the kingdom Amorelliana people's wings..." Thor finally blurted.
Amorelle looked at him in confusion...

"How is that possible..?" She whispered.

"I don't know... I-" Thor eyes widen as he realize...


"AMORELLE!!!" Thor cried as he reached for her, but the agent grabbed her before he could have the chance,

"THOR!!!" Amorelle tearfully cried.

"NOOO!!!!!!!" Thor yelled,"Mjhnoir to me!"

Out of nowhere Thor's hammer came roaming through the halls to his hand. He was about to attack, until the agent growl out,

"Come any closer, she will die!" He growl as he grabbed Amorelle neck... she give pleading eyes...

"You wouldn't dare hurt a girl..." Thor growl...

"Oh I would..." the agent smirk... he slowly walked away with Amorelle...

Thor didn't move... in risk that agent will hurt Amorelle... soon Thor went running...

"Have no fear my maiden... you shall be in my arms in no time..." Thor whispered...

Done here☺

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