*Bedtime*, Memories and HYDRA!!!

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After a looooonnnggg day, at 10:05 the girls all went for bed, they brushed their teeth with the new toothbrushes the bought while shopping, the wore their new night wears, again got them while shopping and all slept in the guest rooms. All of them... sleeping like angels. The six remaining guys sigh and were relaxing in the living room...

"Been a long day..." Tony grinned.

"Yeah..." Bruce smiled tiredly. But both of them notice the other four avengers looking quite puzzled.

"Something wrong guys?" Tony asked.
Steve was the first one to speak,

"Bucky... for some reason Kristine has a bit of a similarly to... Dr. Kai Nichiwa late daughter... Ayuka..."
Bucky froze and nodded.

"Who was-" Thor began, but Tony stopped him,

"Dr. Kai Nichiwa was japanese sciencetist, he was one of the scientists that helped my father in many times... he was one of the most trustworthy men, that the general of the U.S army back in 1940 brought him to help the army scientists along with anthor trusting scientist Dr. Kengo Sutoa... Dr. Nichiwa had a 7 year old daughter named Ayuka and Dr. Sutoa had a 15 year old son named Ken..." Tony suddenly trailed off...

"What's wrong? " Loki asked, yet he wished he hadn't. Bucky sigh,

"Both Ayuka and Ken stuck around in the army, they were both still young... Ayuka still a innocent child... Ken still a young, growing boy... they were both extremely close to Steve and me... but one day-" Bucky froze and look at Steve who nodded, but in Steve's blue eyes were full with regret...

"HYDRA kidnapped both of them... Ayuka and Ken... Steve tried to save them as Captain America... but..." Bucky couldn't speak anymore he froze... Steve sigh and finished,

"They were in a where house, I couldn't make it in time... the where house exploded. No body was covered, but I sure that HYDRA didn't spare their souls..." Steve said softly, "All my fault."

Tony, Bruce, Loki, Bucky and Thor eyes widen,

"Steve it was not your fault, HYDRA are just too cruel... you couldn't saved them... but their souls surely forgive you..." Tony whispered. Steve sigh,

"Some things, you fully regret..."

Loki and Thor both looked at each other, time to say it...

"Loki and I know how you feel, Brother Steve... we share the same regret..." Thor whispered. Steve looked up, he was eager to know,

"I'll go first..." Thor whispered. Loki looked at his brother and realized his brother's regret...

"When I was a young boy... at Amorelle's age... right now... there is a realm called... Amorelliana... Now the rulers are King SkiAmour the God of Equality and Queen Anne-Amour the Goddess of Harmony... they had two children... son... Prince Hatrio the God of Rebellious and a young daughter who everyone called Amorelina... Amorelina was surprisingly looked a lot like Amorelle..... now Amorelina was going to be a future Goddess... the Goddess of Love... the Amorelliana Royal Family were extremely close... but one day... our family were invited to a feast because of Amorelina's birthday... one step away from being a Goddess... I was a curious boy who love adventures, as always I dragged Loki as well..." Thor whispered, as Loki sigh, Thor contiued "And friendly Amorelina, she kindly voliteer to show us around the Palace of Amorelliana... as she showed us around, I noticed that she skipped a room and I asked her what it was... she told me that no one was supposed to go there... then her elder brother came... he was at least almost a young man... he told us the feast is ready..."

For Tony, Bruce, Steve and Bucky, Amorelina was probably 10 to 11, as for Hatrio at least 15-18... Thor contuied,

"After a nice feast... we got the message that it wasn't safe for our family to travel back to Asgard... so King SkiAmour and Queen Anne-Amour, being very kind allow us to stay that night... that night I was still wanted to know what was that room from earlier was... I snuck out and went to that area... I opened the door and went in... but... it was a mistake... the room was dark and shadowy... then I saw a light a bright red light... a jewel that was burning red... it suddenly let out a gush of power out... it headed for me... but... Hatrio swayed in and took the hit... the poor boy was in a great deal of pain... his brown eyes were glowing red! I was terrorfied...!" Thor breathing was going in a faster pace.

Loki was extremely worried for his brother... Tony felt a cold sweat sliding down from being his neck... Steve felt is heart beating faster... Bruce didn't realize he was holding breath... Bucky was leaning closer to listen more... Thor continued,

"Hatrio's and my family came rushing in... After that I found myself waiting outside and suddenly heard Hatrio screams... screams of anger... no... roars of anger... I peaked from the door know and saw Hatrio turning his parents into stone and Amorelina was trown into a portal away..... Hatrio vanished and to this day... Amorelina remains lost..." Thor whispered sadly..."Mother and father are still finding a way to turn back King SkiAmour and Queen Anne-Amour back to normal....."

Everyone heart rates were pacing...

"Loki... please don't tell me that your is... Cisne and Cis..." Thor turned to Loki... Loki froze and nodded...

"Cisne and Cis?" Bruce asked. Loki sigh,

"Cisne was the daughter and Cis was the son of the Gaurdian of All Nine Realms, they were twins ... both were also my best friends..." Loki started. Tony got a feeling that he not going like how it was going to end... Bruce stiffed a bit... Steve took a big breath... Bucky felt himself shaking...

"Cisne... just picture Swara in this... she was kind, loyal, deep love for dance... she also had a big sassy attitude... Cis on the other hand was more adventurous and bold... when the three of us were young we always went by the Hidden Lake... it was our secret spot where we played around, shared secrets and had our mini adventures... their father always told us not to go any farther... especially the Dark Forest across the lake... we mostly obeyed this order... but one night, when I was asleep back at home... I woke up to the sound of footsteps... I turned to see the twins with begging eyes... I asked if they were alright... they told me that their father went into the Dark Forest... I was so curious and the three of us snuck out to the Dark Forest..." Loki inhaled, before continuing,

"As we did so... we were all into an area as it was the Bifrost... it was so odd and I turn to see their father trying fight Frost Giants... He turn to us and yelled to get out of there... we ran but the twins slipped and fall toward a two portals... one blue and one purple... I grabbed their wrists but I was not strong enough... their father cast a spell of protection on both of them before they fell... Cisne fell into the blue as her brother into the purple one... I could still hear their screams in my ears... that night their father took me back home... and left... I didn't see him after that... now he is working on protecting realms and searching for his children..." Loki finished he felt Thor arm around for comfort... Everyone sighed...

"Guys I have a bad feeling... that-" Bucky began and jumped as he and the others heard the six sisters's screams! They all ran upstairs to see HYDRA standing with the sisters! The girls looked horrified... One HYDRA agent turned and let out a spoke bomb and causing the boys to black out... last thing they heard were the sisters screams of no.....

Wow this was long...😓😏☺

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