Music and Bonding

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Finally, they were at the tower again... The boys put the shopping bags in one of the rooms and all plotted on the nearest chairs,

"Okay,  that was crazy," Bruce stated.

"Dr, we still have who knows how long Fury, Barton, Natasha, Wanda, and Pietro to take. We still have to care for them till they come back." Steve sigh.

Tony let a loud groan,

"God I hope it is as soon as poss-" Tony was cut off by... the song... Gummy Bear in the living room. The boys looked at one and other and sprung up and headed to the living room, only to see the sisters dancing  and singing along to... Gummy Bear.

"Oh I'm a gummy bear, yes I'm a gummy bear!

Oh, I'm a yummy, tummy, funny, lucky gummy bear!-' The sisters sang as they turn to see the six remaining Avengers, who had a 'really' look. Kristine was the first to speak... in Japanese,

"Oh, Kon'nichiwa senseis." she giggled, the boys raised an eyebrow. Amorelle and Swara grinned and in waved. Fiona and Beth giggled... Finally, Kaitlyn walked over,

"Kon'nichiwa, you don't like the song?" she asked. 

"What do you think?" Thor grumbled.

"Okay, we will change it." Kaitlyn walked over and grabbed the remote and-

' Everything is Awesome!'

The girls danced around again. The boys rolled their eyes... until the girls grabbed them and began to dance again...

"... Why not?" Bucky grinned.

"Fine." Loki laughed, the other smiled and started to dance around. That night they enjoyed the night very much, plus boys saw a new light in the girls... this isn't as bad as they thought really... Tony twirled Kaitlyn, Steve was learning salsa from Kristine, Thor finally swept Amorelle off the ground, Bruce gives Beth a big lift, Loki spun Swara around and Bucky picked up Fiona and spun around.

What they didn't know that HYDRA was spying on them and planning to capture the girls and use them to blackmail Fury for SHIELD to fall... knowing that they were his only weakness. Oh no, they don't know what is coming up...

Done here for now. Bye!:-)

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