Avengers Day Out : Loki and Swara

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As each of the boys took one of each girl, Loki tagged along with Swara. Right now, they were at a garden, where Loki was calmly reading as Swara had headphones on... and ballet dancing?... What the girl didn't know was that Loki was actually watching her by the corner his eye.

He admired how graceful she glided... but isn't sure if she could hear him...

"You doing fine my dear..." he smiled... but raised an eyebrow when she did not responded,

"Swara? Swara? Swara?" He kept on calling, but she just happily glided away. That triggered him to get up and go after her,

"Swara?... Swara!!!" He panicked as he realized as she was heading away from the peaceful garden... to the busy streets!
Loki dashed over swept her up,

"SWARA!!!" Loki cried as he lift her from her waist and spun around. The sudden movement snapped Swara ti reality, causing her to squeak in surprise. Finally after calming down, Swara looked up to Loki with a pout,

"What's wrong?" She simply asked. Loki huffed and puffed trying go back to his proper breathing point,

"You were heading through the streets, my dear..."

Swara looked terrorfied,

"Oh my, so sorry...thank you!"
Loki sigh and pulled her close,

"Thank the Allfather..." he whispered, thankfully... yet sadly as he took the name.

Now after Swara almost died, she was linked to Loki,

"Swara, my dear, you don't-" Loki began, but Swara spoke up,

"Why do you call me, my dear?" She innocently asked. Loki smirked,

"Okay I will call you my queen then."

Swara eyes widen and tilted her head. Oh Swara how innocent you are.....

Done here!😁

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