Number Thirty-One

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“You’ve dreamed long enough. It’s time to wake up.”



Number Thirty-One

“We need Rael, as well as bandages and medicine.”

Atom spoke -- no, told them, disregarding protocols and age, expecting them to follow, and neither of his companions reacted negatively.

Ivan and Arashi asked no questions. They need not be told twice – time was of essence. Atom was reliable, and that's all they had to know. They acted swiftly, with no trace of hesitation. They were his pawns to manipulate as long as it would ensure Abcidee’s life.

“Where now?” Ivan asked as he threw a coat over the unconscious Rael and carried him on his back.

“We escape.” Atom answered as his eyes glazed over, scanning the immediate area. This couldn’t go unnoticed by Creed, but at least leaving like this would delay them from interfering. He knew that whatever plan he conjured would never be approved by Kreuz in his current state of mind.

It would put Abcidee in risk, but it was a necessary risk. Atom doubted Kreuz would hear that out.

Arashi picked him up like he weighted nothing and threw him over his shoulder. “Lead the way, kid.”

He hurt all over. He had not yet fully recovered from the poison gas but he refused to let them know that. He closed his eyes, and searched for that area where there was only silence.

It brought immediate relief when he centered his Gift there. He had always found Abcidee’s presence soothing.


Before he could even take a breath, Arashi was already running like a bullet, Ivan not far behind. They took the stairs three steps at a time and jumped down the open window as soon as they reached the second floor. The speed jarred his bones, but he clamped his mouth shut before he could hurl or cry.

Atom had to keep his eyes closed the whole time because the wind hurt him like a whiplash.

“Turn to the left,” he said once he realized that Abcidee was moving.

“That’s the armory. If she’s there, they would have reported a sighting.”

Atom could hear the explosions getting nearer. No matter what Arashi said, he couldn’t be wrong. His inability to stretch his Gift into that region was proof enough.

“She’s there,” he insisted.

Arashi’s mind said he was in doubt, but he didn’t voice that out. Instead, its gears turned faster. “We can leave this kid and Rael here in the outskirts while we scour the buildings.”

Ivan frowned as he glanced at their surroundings.  "We'll waste our time going back and forth."

"Can we safely cross the streets with them? The Bases can mistake us for enemies and open fire."

“If we get any closer, we might accidentally set off the traps and make the roads and buildings collapse.”

The Russian mapped the area in his head. He was trying to remember the plans for the defensive landmines buried to keep off the enemies. “This street as well as the 3rd,  7th and 14th are lined up in the middle with bombs. There are snipers from 5th to 8th. Tanks are stationed at intersections.”

“Can you pinpoint her location?” Arashi addressed Atom.

“I think. . . she’s underground.”

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