Number Six

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“Missing someone isn’t about how long it has been since you’ve seen them or the amount of time since you’ve talked. It’s about that very moment when you’re doing something and you’re wishing they were right there with you.”

Number Six


She wished she had at least told him how much he meant to her. She should have hung out with him more often. She should have kissed him more fervently, hugged him tighter. She should have told him her insecurities about her past, about secretly meeting Ivan. There were so many things she wanted to do with her boyfriend. Monthsaries, anniversaries, marriage, heck, even kids. A whole future. She wanted to spend the rest of her life with him, cooking his favorite meals and dragging that special half-smile out him.

It was a dream that would simply remain that. A beautiful dream. An impossible dream.

A second explosion tore the fabric of air. As if the first explosion wasn’t bad enough.

The impact hit them like a speeding train. Abcidee’s ears rang incessantly, and she felt through her chest rather than heard the cry that escaped Krad’s lips. Because of the way he was holding her, he took the most damage. Jagged shreds and burning bits of metals tore through his back like acid, destroying what was left of his jacket. It probably got his bones. Somewhere in the rib area. She could feel the protruding sharp object messing with his insides with her hands.

He didn't dare let her go.

“I’m… okay…” he mouthed to her. Tenderly, he touched her cheek, skimming his thumb over the faint trail of tears running down the corner of her lips.

Liar, she sobbed internally. You’re an idiot and a liar.

A chunk of metal hit him in the head, and for a moment, she thought he was dead. It was all her fault. Because he tried to save her. Because he attempted to free her from those men. And she didn’t even really know him. 

Please, live...

“I'm sorry,” she cried as she held onto him. “I’m so sorry...”

Miraculously, one of his eyes opened. He let out a weak cough in response to her pleading. Gently, he pressed a kiss on her forehead. Warmth comforted the pits of her stomach. She no longer shook.

A feeble whisper escaped his bruised mouth.

“As soon as we land, run.”

Forcing his limp arm, Krad held out his grimy palm in faltering hopes that he could break the fall. A thousand feet fall. Yeah, right. He tightened his left arm around Faye, and turned his body so that once they hit the ground, she would be as safe as she could be.

Her safety. That's all that matters.

He heard rather than felt the leaves and branches once they hit the thick canopy of the forest. He could no longer control his body, but through sheer will, he forced his fingers to clasp around a branch. But the weight of two adults was too much for the branch. It broke, and they went down, further down, hitting branches along the way. At least they are breaking the fall.

Krad again, heard, rather than felt, his body hitting the solid ground.

His left leg was twisted beneath him.

A whoosh of air escaped his mouth before he coughed out blood… or should have coughed it if he was facing sideways. But no, he could no longer move. Faye was pinning him down, and he was choking in his own blood. So much blood. Red, sticky and smelled like rust. He tried to turn around, to push her off, but his body would not listen to him. Spasms were all his muscles could do, and he was drowning.

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