Number Fifteen

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It's almost unbearable, isn't it? The pain of being all alone. I know that feeling. I've been there, in that dark lonely place.


Number Fifteen

Her eyes hurt too much. Maybe it was because she’d been bawling her eyes out for hours. Or she hadn’t slept a wink since last night. Perhaps it was a combination of both. What she was sure though was that she wouldn’t want to see herself on a mirror. She wouldn’t want anyone to see her looking this hideous and pathetic. Period.

If there’s one thing she learned from all of these, it was that Abcidee Creed was not the same soft, trusting and impulsive Faye Summers. She was stronger. She would fight. She wouldn’t cower. If she fell, she’s going to stand up, for better or for worse… because she’s not repeating her mistakes.

She’s done being deceived. Done being weak. It was high time she face her past, even if that meant she had no one to trust but herself.

Richard was pleasantly surprised to see Abcidee all washed up and dressed. She stepped out of her temporary room wearing the black number he bought specifically for her. Even though he liked his girls younger and bustier and taller, he would admit that she looked pretty damn hot. With a touch of make-up and more sleep, she was a force to reckon.

He offered her a wicked smile as he lounged on his couch, drinking coffee while playing on his iPod. “Yo. How are you feeling?”

“Don’t you have ordinary clothes I could wear?” she asked, her bare feet padding across the carpet to sit on the beanie opposite his. “Or are we going to a club somewhere?”

He playfully winked at her. “Let me play up my fantasies on you. I’ve never had a college girl before.”

“You really are a pervert, you know.”

“I know.”

She looked around his bachelor pad. It was done in artful shades of gray with the furniture all in black. “Where are we?”

“My condo in Chicago.” He finished his coffee in a gulp. “If you want eat, you can heat the lasagna I had last night. I also brewed coffee. The kitchen is the second door to your right.”

Abcidee narrowed her eyes at him, studying his calm expression. She brushed off his offer as something registered in her head. “You live here, alone?”


"Uh... that's nice. You must be very rich."

He smirked. "Just one of a few.”


He answered the unspoken question so evident in her overwhelmed gaze. “I travel a lot within continental US. One of the perks of being the boss’ son.”

Her eyes were wide with awe. If he didn’t know how frugal Kreuz Creed had made her live in the past four years, he would have scoffed at her. Creed is ten times as rich as the Light, you bitch. Her dear daddy practically owned at least one parcel of land in every country.

Her brows were knitted together as she processed his words. “How old are you exactly?”

He grinned. “I’m seventeen. Turning eighteen this September.”

“You don’t sound seventeen.”

“Welcome to my world.” One side of his lips rose in a crooked smile. “Now, how about that breakfast? I could hear your tummy growling.”

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