Chapter 15- the awakening

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Sup, how are we today spectres. I've still got nothing to say, sorry.

Olivia's POV

The preparation was going fairly well. Time had taken up the position of leader, and we had finally gotten our weapons together. We were still waiting for Rythian to finish up with the red matter. I looked towards were Blizzard was laying, and I saw Wisp sitting next to him, as always. He was still just lying there, looking dead, but still alive.

Dream's POV

I am a good friend of Blizzard and Wisp. I wandered over to stand next to my best friend and the boy lying on a the ground, out cold still.

"He'll be fine." I muttered, and Wisp looked around, seeing me.

"I'm not so sure." She said sadly. I gave her a hug, and heard a weak groan, followed by a sarcastic drone I could recognise instantly.

"What did I miss?"

Wisp and I spun around, to see Blizzard sitting up, extremely pale. But still, he was finally awake. Wisp gave him a huge hug and kissed him, and as he kissed back, I smiled, everyone at school always said that they would be a cute couple.

Blizzard stood up, and looked around. "Preparation, huh?" He said, seeing Rythian near the condenser.

"Yep, have been for two days now." I informed him.

"I've been down for two days?" He asked, shocked. "I've got to get to work!!"

He ran off, and started working, he always was weird.

Blizzard's POV

I got up and ran over to Rythian.

"Heyo!! Whatcha doing?"I chirped, scaring him.

"Blizzard? When did you wake up?" He said, shocked.

"Oh, 'bout thirty seconds ago. You go work on Thaumcraft. I'll handle this." I said, pointing to the condenser.

"Um... ok." Rythian said, still shocked, before walking away, and pointing my awakeness out to everyone.

I turned to the condenser. It was full of red matter. "You guys have been busy." I called out, pulling some dark matter from a nearby chest, and making a helmet, before turning it into red matter, and muttering "lets get busy"

I quickly finish the armour, but I can't find any diamonds for the tools. I run around, in full work mode, ignoring the world around me. I find then, and quickly condense it, before making the Katars.

I hand the katars out, and make a bunch of flight rings. I hand then out to, before grabbing my mining laser, and trying in my armour. By now it's nighttime, so I call out "sundown approaches, LET US TRAIN!!"

Rosie's POV

I can't believe Blizzard talked us into this. I walked next to Ty. Ok, maybe I had a small crush on him. I heard a zombie and jump into Ty's arms. A flash of red went past, and I saw Blizzard standing there, having shot the zombie with a mining laser.

"We should go home now." He called out. "It's getting a touch dangerous."

We wandered back to camp, and say around the campfire, when loads of wither skeletons attacked.

"Nova." Blizzard muttered next to me.

Hey spectres, Shadow here. I'm happy now. I know people like my writing!! Adios Spectres. ShadowFire13 signing out.

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