Chapter 1- The End, yet the beginning

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This story contains POV changes (you have been WARNED).

I am Blake, Pheonixfeather is Kaity

Blakes POV !!!

Me and my friend Kaity are currently playing multiplayer minecraft ( who would've guessed it, right?) together. We are currently standing in a stronghold at the end portal.

"You ready Blizzard?" Comes the quiet voice through my headset.

Blizzard is the nickname Kaity uses when we play together, my username is actually blizzardfire13.

"Hell Yeah whisp!" I say into my mic.

Whisperwhisker is her actual username, I just call her wisp because its quicker.

We are about to do the ender dragon boss fight, and we are just about to enter the portal.

"Lets hurry up then, slowpoke!" Kaity chirps jokingly.

At that moment, we take the plunge, into the pitch black abyss, of the end portal.


As the dark abyss that is the end quickly loads up,whisp and I quickly pulled out our picks, bows and swords, threw them in our hotbars, and commenced the battle to end all battles.

Kaitys POV

Oh my god, endermen are epic, dangerous, yes, but epic. But Blake has been strangely sensible today, usually he's joking, goofing off and repeatedly yelling YOLO.

"You okay man?" I ask worriedly

"Yeah, I'm fine, just in a weird headspace today, why?" Comes the deep voice through my headset. he seems even spacier then usual, and that's saying something. haha.

"You haven't said anything random for nearly five minutes." I reply.

"Oh, hey the worlds finished loading, it time to kill us a dragon. To the crystals we go! FOR NARNIA! YOLO!" He yells the last bit, getting a small laugh out of me.

As we start to mine staircases up the obsidian towers, Blake warns me that the ender dragon is approaching at high speed.

"Whisp! look out!"

I turn around and bash that dragon in the face, causing it to fly away. As it does so I yell " yeah that's right, fly away you coward!" which gets a laugh from Blake. Wait, I just realised you don't know what we have on us weapon and armour wise, so i'll tell you. we both have identical equipment, full diamond armour, protection 5 chest plate, feather falling 3 boots, sharpness 5 fire aspect 2 diamond swords and power 5 flame 2 bows. Really good. Took Blake ages to get it,

After we break all of the crystals, we have a small argument about who will kill the dragon.

Blakes POV

Man, she is stubborn. I really think she deserves the last hit, I mean, she did break most of the crystals and do most of the damage, which is why she wants me to do it.

"That's it, how about we play scissor paper rock to decide." I groan in exasperation.

"How do we do that?" wisp asks curiously,

"Sword is scissors, bow is paper, and obsidian is rock." I explain.

"Sounds like a plan!" she replies in her usual cheerful voice.

After emptying my hand I start it off "scissors."


Just a I was about to say 'rock', the ender dragon appeared out of nowhere to take a shot a us.

"Rack off, scaly!" I yell in annoyance. I throw a punch and some how kill the dragon.

"Lets just say I won that, alright?" I say surprised.


As we enter the bedrock portal, the end poem starts to play, and I begin to feel quite strange.

'He had a dream that he created, He dreamed he destroyed.' I'm feeling kinda messed up right now, and Kaitys been damn near silent, which almost never happens.

'Sometimes the player created a small

Private world that was soft and warm and simple. Sometimes hard and cold and complicated.' what the hell is up with me?

'You are the player' I feel way worse right now.

'Wake up' then everything went black, and I swear I saw to white dots in the depths of the shadows.

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