Chapter 6- and now, we train!

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Hello Interpeepz, Shadow here, with another instalment of The beginning of the end. Be warned, this chapter contains warm fuzzy feels, hopefully, that is.

Rythian's POV

As we walked away from the village, my mind wandered, mainly to my fight with the boy with the strange hair, where he practically blasted me across the street with a lightning bolt. how did he manage that? And that speed!

"Hey,guys, let's have a break for a bit, we've been walking for about half a hour now." I say,tired.

"Good idea sir." it was the girl with the eyes that glowed like mine.

As we sit down, the two kids sit down a few metres away, while Zoey sits next to me.

"The girls a enderchild like you, Ryth." She says quietly.

"How do you know?" I ask, confused.

"Just the fact she teleported through a fireball, y'know, stuff like that." Zoey replies with her usual laugh that always made me smile. I look over to the two kids, to see them with their legs crossed, and their eyes closed, meditating. Then, the boys hands fly to his head, and he begins screaming in pain, then the girl joins him.

Wisp's POV

As we sit down for a rest, blizzard suggests that we meditate to clear our minds. I agree, and it works for a while, until I hear a scream next to me, then my head felt like it was being split in two. I could hear a voice, deep and dark, yet somewhat caring. he told me what I could do, and what our purpose was.

Blizzards POV

Rythian is finally letting us rest! YAY! As wisp and I sit down I say

"We should try meditating, it helps clear the mind and calm the nerves."

"Sure, it's worth a shot." wisp sighs, she must be exhausted.

As we cross our legs and close our eyes, I begin to relax, until my head begins to hurt like someone is trying to pry it open with a crowbar! I see a figure in a teal shirt and purple pants, with glowing white eyes, Herobrine. His voice is deep and dark, yet caring as well.

"Fear not, young one, I come only to aid you." he says calmly. "the people you know are not the only ones here, a man has found a device, capable of ripping portals between your world, and this one. As you know, you and your three friends possess superhuman abilities, you, Blizzard, possess the abilities of flight, electricity and wind. you are super humanly fast and agile, with a jump height much higher than normal people, and you take no fall damage. there are four others you must find, and your team will be complete. I will appear to you all at once."

The pain ceased, and as I open my eyes, I see Rythian and Zoey staring at us worriedly. I look over at wisp, and she appears fine, albeit a little bit freaked.

"What happened?!" Rythians voice pierces my thoughts.

"I don't know, but I'm going to try something quickly." I say, excited that this might work. I imagine myself flying, I concentrate on that thought, then a feeling if weightlessness comes over me.

"What are you... HOW ARE YOU DOING THAT!!" Zoey practically screams.

I open my eyes to see the ground several blocks below me.

"WHAT THE!!" I was actually flying.

Wisp and I explained our visions, with me leaving out the Herobrine part. turns out both wisp and I are telepathic. We convince Zoey and Rythian to meditate, and the same thing happens. We then began to train. Wisp and I were pretty good with telepathy to begin with, although Zoey and Rythian both had it but had to really practice. I'm going fairly well with flying and wisp is excelling with her teleporting. Wisp also has telekinesis, but she has yet to master that, just as I have yet to master my control over wind and electricity.

We continued walking while we trained, and when time came to set up camp, we were all exhausted. then, Rythian did something strange, he placed down a strange item, that turned into a campfire!

"There are mods active here?!" is all I could say in surprise.

"Yeah, loads. so far, we have discovered Tekkit classic, so industrial craft, equivalent exchange, and stuff like that, and Thaumcraft 3."

"Cool!!" again... all I could say.

Rythian and Zoey walked away a bit to talk, leaving me and wisp alone. I decided to lay down on the ground and gaze upwards into the clear sky, amazed by the beauty of the stars.

Wisps POV

I saw Blizzard lay down on the ground, so I went over to join him.

"Beautiful, aren't they, the stars." I look at him, is this the rare, other side of his personality? The calm, peaceful side?

"Yeah, they are pretty." I say, laying down next to him.

"You know, I'm glad this happened, the whole powers thing. it means I'm actually special for once." he replies, a slight... sadness in his voice?

"You were special without the powers bliz, your a special person."

At that moment, I feel something touch my shoulder. I look to see what it is, it was blizzards hand.

"You've always been there for me Wisp, thank you." he says sincerely.

At that moment, we hear Rythian walk up behind us.

"I just realised, we don't know your names yet."

"Blizzard!" says blizzard, raising his hand to the sky.

"Wisp!" I say, doing the same thing.

"Thanks." says Rythian, walking away.

A cold wind begins to blow and I start to shiver. blizzard must have heard me, because he turns around and pulls me towards him, his body heat keeping me warm. I lean my head on his shoulder as I fall asleep, and the last thing I hear is blizzard say,

"Sleep well wisp."

Hey spectres, I told you there would be feels, didn't I.Oh and yes Zoey and Rythian are already a couple. Updates may be a bit slow, because I'm waiting for some permissions for the story, and holidays are starting, so it will be harder to consult Phoenix on the story. So, see ya's. Adios Spectres! ShadowFire13 signing out!

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