Chapter 8- Memories

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Hello Spectres, Shadow here, I would like to thank you all for more than 180 reads. And a extra large thank you to Phoenix, for helping me so much with this chapter!!

Wisp's POV

As I woke up from my dream after a good nights sleep, and gazed absent mindedly around the room, I noticed Blizzard was awake as well.

"Morning Blizzard!" I call across the room to him.

"Morning Wisp." he calls back with a light laugh.

I sit up straight in my bed, Feeling very relaxed, Blizzard doing the same, with a vacant look on his face, perhaps, he was relaxed as well.

"How did you sleep?" blizzard asked, curious.

"Pretty well, you?" I replied.

"Yeah, pretty good."Blizzard replied. " We should go have breakfast."

"Your right." I say, climbing out of bed and left the hut followed closely by Blizzard.

"You guys sure slept late!" came Shadows yell from near the campfire, as he threw us each a chicken. We both ate our chicken, when shadow told us we would be mining with him and Time today.

Blizzard's POV

Cool! we're going mining with ShadowLykos and TimeIsTicking! I finish my breakfast first, and rush off to get my iron sword and pick. I then remembered that Wisp didn't have any iron gear. so I grabbed some spare iron and some sticks, to make her a pick and a sword.

She walks in seconds later.

"Hey Blizzard!" wisp says cheerfully.

"Hey Wisp! here's some gear for you!" I say, passing her the gear.

"Where did you get the iron?" she asked, confused.

"I had some left over from our mining trip with Team Crafted. I thought I would put it to good use,"

"Thanks." wisp says, before muttering. "Do you think they survived?"

"I don't know, but I hope so." I say, as the event replayed itself in my head, the explosion, the scream."Im a coward, aren't I?"

Wisp looks at me curious " what do you mean."

"I could have stayed and fought with them, but I chose to run." I say, realising that I ran to protect Wisp.

Wisp's POV

What the? when does blizzard think like this? I say "I ran too. We all ran. If you stopped you could have been hurt." Or killed, I think, feeling a pang of fear.

"Your right of course." blizzard says with his usual light laugh, but there was a light of realisation in his eyes, and I somehow saw that the realisation was that he could have died fighting but decided to run, to protect... ME?

"We should go meet up with the others."i murmur, brushing past Blizzard and going out the door.

"Your right, again." blizzard calls with his usual laugh, that brought a smile to my face. as we walk towards Shadow and Time, they look towards us as Time calls to us

"You two ready?"

"As we'll ever be!" blizzard calls from behind me.

"Well we should get moving, the mine is a fair walk away." shadow says as we get closer.

"Lets go then." I yell, excited, I look towards Blizzard, and he seems just as excited as me, although slightly wary. We start to walk, Blizzard lagging behind us by a few steps, when halfway through the walk,Time says

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