Chapter 5- disaster at dawn

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Hellooooooo Peepz, shadow here, and for the record, I did NOT kill off Team crafted, I simply put them out of commission for a bit. so, yeah.... let the story commence

Blizzards POV

Today has been very eventful, first, I get to beat up Skydoesminecraft, then go mining with team crafted, get chased through the forest by a army of hostile mobs, and then, to top it all off, we get helped by the legendary Yogscast!

"Hey, Kid! you OK?" A British voice pierces into my thoughts.

"Huh?" is the only thing I say, while looking around for the speaker.

"I asked you for your name, stupid!" replies the grey skinned figure of Sips.

"Oh, sorry sir, it's Blizzard." I reply, startled by his insult.

"What kind of a name is Blizzard?" The grey skinned man replies rudely.

"Sips! Manors! Don't be so rude to the kids!" Replies Simon the dwarf.

"It's OK, I don't really care. My friend Wisp over there on the other hand..." I reply in my usual No-Damns-Given tone.

"That's good, so, where are you kids from?" Asks Sjin curiously.

"Australia." I think that's the first word Wisp has said since we got here.

"Aussies, huh? Interesting." comes the quiet voice of Duncan. "what state?"

"New South Wales, why?" I ask, confused.

"Just curious. Oh boy, nights about to fall." Duncan says, getting worried.

"What's the matter Duncan, scared of the dark?" comes the voice of Hannah/lomadia.

"Of course I'm not scared!" replies Duncan, turning red.

"By no, he means yes, and by scared, he means petrified." Lewis says with a chuckle. "But he's right, we should all go to bed. Do you guys have any beds on you?"

"Nope, haven't seen a single sheep yet." wisp says, in a quiet, exhausted voice.

"Hey, I actually have six wool spare, so I could make them one each." says Sjin speaking up.

Wisp and I look at each other and say in perfect sync


By the time Sjin had made the beds, it was night time, so we went straight to sleep.!

3:00 the next morning

I was sleeping well for the first time in three days, when I awoke to a ear splitting scream. I sit up in a flash, to see wisp sitting up in bed as well, which calms me down a lot. we rush outside to see what the commotion was, and we see Sjin in a headlock by a girl with flaming red hair and glowing gold eyes, while Duncan is being chased down the street by a man with black hair and glowing purple eyes, like wisps. I went to go help sjin, drawing my new iron sword, about to attack when I stop.

"I can't hit a girl." I say, slightly embarrassed.

"How kind of you." the girl says, before releasing Sjin, and lunging at me then smashing me in the guts. Then I recognise the voice, Zoey, of the Yogscast.

At that moment, I notice wisp running at her, brandishing a wooden plank, having forgotten her sword. She swings the block, and is about to make contact, when Zoey somehow calls over the flame from a torch, passing through the block of wood, disintegrating it. the two girls draw their swords, so she didn't forget it! No wait, its her stone one.

I leave the girls to their quarrel, and go to help duncan, as I reach them, I see him with a iron sword to his throat. At that moment I put his attacker in a headlock, then, he dissapears.

"You really thought it would be that easy?" comes a deep voice with a strange accent, that I recognise fairly quickly, Rythian.

I spin blindingly quickly, blocking a surely lethal blow, as I also see Wisp and Zoey, standing back having a chat. That distraction is all Rythian needs, he catches me off guard, and commences the fight in full.

Rythian and I are practically dancing between each other, with him teleporting behind me all the time. At one point, he almost had me, when the most unlikely thing happened. I had been disarmed, and I was backing away, when my instincts took over, telling me to make my hand into a claw, as I did so, I looked down, to see a ball of electricity in my hand. I thrust my hand forward, hitting Rythian in the chest, and smashing him into a building, I ran over to him at an insane speed, pinning him to the wall with my sword against his throat.

"I have been bested, so kill me and take your prize." Rythian says, slightly shocked that I beat him.

"I have already taken my prize.For it is experience, not a life." I say, throwing him to the ground. " so what do you say, we negotiate?"

Wisp's POV

As me and the woman draw our swords I notice she is holding a ball of bright blue light in her non-fighting hand. Good thing I noticed it, because it was a fireball, and she threw it at me.

In a split second, I had rolled out of the way, and as I spun around to get up, I noticed a streak of silver light, to which I raised my sword to block it, good thing too, because it was her sword, and it put a hell of a notch in my one. As I scrambled away, my sword hit a rock, and snapped in two! It was at this moment, that I noticed the fireball hurtling at me. I concentrated hard on appearing on the other side of the fireball, standing upright. When I opened my eyes, I was standing in front of a giant burn mark on the ground, with the woman staring at me wide-eyed.

"You teleported. Your a enderchild, like Rythian."

"We don't have to fight, you do realise that, right? We can talk this out." I say, forcefully.

"Your right. Lets talk, Hi my names Zoey, and you are?" Zoey says, extending a hand.

"Wisp. pleased to meet you." I say, shaking her hand.

By the end of the fight between the two boys, everyone is outside, and we are all shocked when Blizzard threw that lightning bolt at the man Zoey said was Rythian, then practically flew across the street to him, and only me and Zoey turned away when Blake pinned Rythian to the wall. But what we heard next shocked us all.

"So what do you say, we negotiate" came Blizzards deep voice.

"Traitor!" screamed Duncan.

"What! I just saved your life!" is Blizzards reply.

"Conspiring with the enemy is treason, plus, your a freak like them!" Duncan yells, as all of them draw their swords.

Within seconds, Ive teleported to Blizzards side, sword drawn, with Rythian and Zoey doing the exact same thing, protecting him from the others.

"Your one of them as well?" Screamed the women Hannah.

"Yes, I am." I reply coldly. "all four of us!"

"I hereby declare you two banished from this village, for the crime of treason!" Shouts the commanding voice of Lewis.

"That's fine! we'll take care of them!" Rythian shouts in return, Zoey nodding her head.

At that, we grabbed our gear, and left the village, to roam the jungles of Minecraftia.

Well spectres, Chapter 5 is up, and it may take a while for the next chapter or two, probably the second one, while I ask people for permission to use them in my story. well... Adios Spectres, ShadowFire13 Signing Out!

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