Chapter 15: Forgive and Forget

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Alright, here we go with another great chapter :)

Just wondering how many people like this story and are always waiting for an upload... Not saying that I'm gunna cut the story if no ones reading it because I love writing it way too much. 

Kinda wanna know who's everybody's favorite character :D I think mine would be Zach or Brent or Elle. Zach's just so easy to write, the ideas flow easily. Brent is like that good trusting friend that's always there for Elle, even though they just started talking. And Elle, well she's the main character and I think writing her flows easier than most characters (Stacey, Wyatt, and Ian). 

Well here's another (hopefully) great chapter :)

<3 VannaBanana24


Elle's POV ( just so you know ;] )

I woke to the soft rap of knocking on my door. I automatically hated whoever was behind that door. I was so tired; we ended up staying in the hospital til 3am waiting for the results from the mutiple x-rays and tests and scans. Since I told them I had fallen, they had to check everything out and it was so annoying.

In the end of it all, the doctor told me a I had a very minor sprain in my left wrist and left foot. This meant that the stupid doctors put me in a wrist brace and I have to use crutches for the next THREE DAYS!!! Do you know how bad this is? It's early fall and soccer is going to be starting in a couple of weeks. I should be out training, not sitting on my ass because the doctors think I'll die from two little sprains.

The knocking started up again and during my little rant I totally forgot the person behind the door. The knocking repeated for a third time. 

"Whaaaaaat?" I groaned like a five year old.

Zach's head appeared from behind the door and my face automatically brightened. 

"Zachy!!" I held my hands out for a hug.

He smiled before coming and jumping onto my bed with me. "Goooooood morning." He smiled widely.

"What's with the wide smileyness." I laughed.

"I made you breakfast all by myself." He said. It was something I would expect Chad or even Richey to say. He said it with such pride in himself; for a fifteen year old, he must not cook much.

"Awwwwwh. Really?" I was still touched by the effort though.

He nodded his head. "All by myself."

Ian appeared through my door next. "Excuse me? I believe that I made the eggs, bacon, french toast, pancakes, and fresh OJ." Ian gave Zach a flat expression.

"Well, I set the table for her." Zach pouted.

Ian hung his head. "I can't believe this." He sighed sadly.

I laughed at this. I loved how all the brothers acted around each other. It was absolutely hilarious.

"He's just jealous I'm an amazing table setter." Zach whispered in my ear.

"Yeah that's totally it." I laughed.

"So you coming or not?" Zach jumped off my bed and rushed to my crutches which I threw half way across the room. 

"Why are your crutches so far away from you?" Ian asked.

"I got angry at them." I shrugged as Zach handed me the crutches.

Ian chuckled and shook his head at me. "Come on, gimpy." He said, trying to help me stand up into the help of the ctrutches. I shooed him away with a smile.

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