Chapter 2: The Jones's House

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Everyone was already seated, the boys, Walter, and Melissa took her seat. Chad noticed that all of Walter's boys were looking at us now and he scurmed in my arms. Melissa motioned us over to her and the open seats next to her and Walter.

"Your seats are here." She smiled.

I sat Chad, Luke, and Richey so they were in between me and Melissa, but that also meant I had to sit next to one of Walter's boys too. The boy I sat next to looked alittle younger than me, and his light brown hair almost hid his eyes, though I could see his brown eyes underneath. Walter stood and called for everyone's attention.

"I'd like to introduce our new guests." Looking to me. "This is Elle Shelton. Would you mind introducing everyone Elle?" He asked.

I nodded and stood. "I'm Elle and I'm seventeen. This is Chad, Luke and Richard. Chad is five years old, Richard or Richey is eight and Luke is fifteen." I sat back down. Some of the boys smiled at us, and some didn't.

Walter continued the introduction. "Johnathon is our oldest, 21. John is a sophmore in the college down the road. Jamey is the second oldest at 19, and he's planning on starting college soon. Wyatt is 18, a senior at the local high school. He's the star football player, too. The twins, Jac and Ian, are 17. They are juniors and are both captains of the soccer team." Walter was beaming with pride by now.  "Blake is 16 and is in his sophmore year, he's a swimmer. Zach is 15, he's the baseballer of the house. Caleb is 12 and he wants to play basketball in highschool. Lucas is 8. Joey is 7, and Will is our youngest, 5 years." Each boy either stood, waved, or smiled when his name was called.

"It's very nice to meet you all." I said. "Thank you so much for taking us in, though I know it must be a handful." 

"Not a handful at all." Jamey said.

"Yeah, eleven plus three more boys and one pretty girl is only fifteen." Wyatt smiled. I could tell he was the flirty one.

I blushed at his compliment and he looked to Jamey, who sat next to him, and mouthed the word "Score!" Jamey just chuckled to himself.

Dinner was served and I tried to eat quickly without drawing attention. I wanted to go back to my room; it felt awkward because I could tell that every second another one of the eleven boys would stare at me.

Zach nudged my elbow and I looked at him, he had been the boy I had taken a seat next to. "I'll show you round the house after dinner, if you want me to." He smiled.

"Sure, I'd like that." I returned the smile.

"Awwh. I wanted to do that." Blake groaned.

Zach poked his tongue out at his brother.

"I call showing Luke around then." Blake laughed.

"Okay." Luke said like it was no big deal, but I knew he was as giddy as ever.

"We call Richard." Caleb and Lucas laughed together. 

"Me and Joey wanna show Chady around." Will mumbled to his mother.

"Alright, alright. Let's finish dinner first then." Melissa laughed.


After I helped the older boys get the dishes to the kitchen, Zach grabbed my wrist and pulled me toward the front door. 

"Alright. This is the Entryway. That door way there, to the left, leads to the study and the right leads to the library. Then the stairs right there led up to the second floor where all of the boys rooms are. The stairway to the right leads to my parents room, bathroom, and offices."

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