Its Time

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Okay So this is the last chapter. And I honestly have loved writting this story so much. Honestly. You guys are the best. I couldnt ask for more.

I sat there. I was huge. I was large. Like a whale. Its been two months less of his smile, laugh, corny jokes, his beautiful green eyes. His everything. i miss him so much. I miss his hugs. His kiss. How he rubs my stomach when im uncomfortable. Just him. I keep praying he'll wake up when I ask him to. Or he'll give me a sign thats he's okay, anything.

"Babe, its been two months. I see you everyday. I stay with you for hours on end. I just want you to wake up so bad. Niall. I love you. I want to show you how much i love you. But I cant. In two weeks the babies will be born. How crazy right? Well I just want you and them to be okay. Im not asking for much. I want to cry. I just am out of tears. Who would ever had thought that. A pregnant man out of tears. Its crazy how fast time goes by. From how we met and now, we were having twins Ni. I just want Bentley and Lydia to be here with me and you. Yeah remember how i said I was out of tears. Im no longer out of them." I was breaking. "I ju-ust miss yo-u Ni." I felt a sharp pain in my stomach. I thought nothging much of it. I got worse over time. I suddenly felt a burst of water on my legs. I did NOT jsut pee myself. It hit me. im in labor. NO! Not with out Niall.

"Baby, please, pleae, please wake up. Its time. I cant wait any longer. I got up and walked to my doctors office. I knocked on the door I heard a come in so I walked in.

"Hello Louis, are you visiting Niall?" I nodded yes.

"And well about that. Funny thing. Yeah umm in in labor" She shot out of her seat and got a nurse. She got a wheelchair for me and put me in to room. She hooked me up to a machien to measure the babies heartbeat and mine. I was scared. I was doing this weither Niall was here or not. It was time.

A few hours later. I was in pain. We called Nialls mom and my mom. They were here. I was crying saying how I wish Niall was here.

"Mom, I want my Ni." I wined. I started to cry.

"It hurts mom."

"I know Lou, but it will be worth it in the end. Trust me." She hugged me and left. I layed on the bed and fell into sleep.

I woke up in the worst pain I have ever been in. My doctor checked me out to see how far along i was.

"Seven centimeters Louis. You're almost there."


"Louis push for me. One big push baby number one is almost here." I pushed as hard as I could. I let out a scream, followed by a sigh.

"One more." I pushed as hard as I could and I heard the cries of my baby. Im officially a daddy.

"Baby number one is a BOY!" The nurses took Bentley to clean him off.

"Okay Louis. A few more pushes for your little girl." A few pushes and then long came the cries of my princess. They place both of them on my chest.

Bentley, boy did he look like me. Everything was mine except for that he had Nialls adorable nose.

Lydia had my eyes and my hair color, and Nialls hair and mouth and nose. They were just perfect.

"Hi babies. Im your daddy, and well dada he got into a car crash a few months ago and well, hes still recov-" The door opened and in came a nurse with Niall.

"Nia-ll?" He nodded. He got up and came up next to me.

"I missed you." He smiled at me. "So they're here. How long ago did you give birth Lou?"

"About an hour ago. I missed you so much Niall. I wanted to wait. Actually I was by your side when i went into labor Ni."

"You were?" I nodded.

"I belive you owe me a kiss. Its been two months." Niall Just laughed at me. He leaned in and pecked my lips. I just smiled I missed him so much. He leaned down and kissed Bentley and Lydias heads and whispered 'I love you' He was so cute.

"You want to hold them?"

"I would be honored." I handed him Lydia.

"Hi baby, im dada. I just want to let you know I love you very much. Just like your daddy."

And at that moment I realized I met Niall for a reason. Why I was able to get pregnant. Why my life was so crazy. Why I was put into One Direction. It was all for a reason. And that reason was to give us moments like this. Moments to hold forever until the day we die. These are the moments I will never forget.

AND ITS DONE!!!!!! I loved writing th is story so much. LIke you dont even know. I can not thank you guys enough. And I will finally beable to click the finsihed button. I will never forger you guys. Thank you so much! You guys have been my reason to keep going, and to learn to be happy. Thank you a million. Oh and the sequal will be up soon. It will be five years into the furture when One Direction has broken up and (theyre still friends) theyre all moving on in life. So yeah. Im excited for it. I hoped youy are too. Like I said thanks you a lot for reading this story.

And for the last time for 'Moments'







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