Something Never Told

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Okay so the this chapter will be Louis telling Niall about his past! btw Louis is 6 1/2 months pregnant.

'Something's are better of not said, while others need to be told.'

I looked down at the blade. I wanted to. I needed to. my world came crashing down in a matter of seconds.

It was just any other day, I sat on the couch stuffing my fat ass mouth, while Niall was out getting more food for me to eat. all of a sudden I get a phone call.


"Hi, is this Louis Tomlinson?"


"I'm sorry to inform you but you boyfriend has been in a car crash, it was severe. he's in surgery right now. he had a lot of damage to the head."

"I'll be right over" I hung the phone up and grabbed my keys and started to cry. my love, the father of my child, the person I wanted to grow old with, is in the hospital. I got in the car and started it. tears made my vision terrible. trying to focus on the road was hard I finally arrived to the hospital. I walked up to the desk and asked for Niall Horan. she said room 234 so I walked as fast as I could there. I opened the door not expecting him all better. I prepared my self for the worst.

I walked in. what I saw, it was terrible. scratched, broken arm, broken leg, his neck was in a brace, A bandage on his head. I killed me to see him like this. the world around me stopped. I walked up to his bed and started talk to him.

"Hey Niall, I know what happened, and it's killing me right now. I can't handle this. there are something's that I have never told you. And it's funny, every time I go to this, I just can't bring my self to. it kills me a little more each time I see you. so nows better Time than ever, right? okay, well when I was 13-14 I was getting bullied for being gay. and well, I didn't take it to well. I was getting beat up and got called names. it hurt a lot. you know the saying 'sticks and stone will break my bones, but words will never hurts me' right? well it's shit. I take every wood someone says into account. wether it's good or bad. I remember it forever. I eventually all became to much. I broke down one night crying, I went into my bathroom and got a razor and put it up against my skin. I pressed down and cut. I kept doing this for a month. each cut worse than the last. my teacher began to worry. one day in class my sleeve slipped and well mrs.lask saw my wrist and called me over at the end of class. I can remember he exact work to this day.

"Louis, please be honest . and I already know the answer. do cut self-harm?" I bedded 'yes' she sent me off to my next class. well during that class I was called down the the office to be dismissed. my mom was there.

"Louis, your teacher called me." she sighed and hugged me. we sat in the car, me well, I still had said nothing.

"May I see your wrists." I nodded and showed her my wrists. ever since I told her I was gay, she excepted it and was fine with it.

"Why?" her voice becoming brittle said.

"I'm bullied" he hugged me.

"We're going to get you through this love." I nodded. "I love you Louis."

"I love you to mom." the rest of the ride was quiet.

I kept going on with my life until about two years later when I was 16 I tried committing suicide. I woke up in the hospital two days later. I slipped into a comma. there the doctors diagnosed me with depression. those words hit me hard than you can believe. Niall, I've never cried so hard in my life. To hear the words "you're depressed." It breaks your heart into a million pieces. my world came crashing down. like it had ended I hated everyone from that point, I excluded my self from everything.

I wanted to give up.

But I didnt.

I knew I had something special to pay up for that moment of time.

Two years later I found you. you were what kept me going, even If I didn't even know you existed. Niall I love you for that. If I never found you i'd probably be six feet under right now. I love you more than anything. you were what kept me strong.

Nothing I ever do for you will ever repay what you have done for me."

A:N ahh Love this chapter!!! Gahh I got made feels writing this and. I cried too. I was me just writing what happened to Louis making him depressed. I love this chapter. my favorite in this story by far. comment what you thought of this please!!!! make me happy!!!! my day hasn't been so good. it'd make me better!





Seriously love you guys so much. for all the reads!! could never thank you more!!!

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