Telling. (Louis P.O.V)

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*Louis is three and a half months pregnant here :D*

I looked in the mirror and place my hand gently on my stomach. My six pack was gone. I was showing a little. My stomach has become a little circlular now. So im hiding it by baggy clothing. Although nothing I own really is baggy, so I use Nialls stuff. Today we have an interview which I dont want to go to, because Niall and I are telling the world im pregnant. I honestly dont know how it'll go. Im hoping good. But if not, I dont know how i'll react. I'll most likely cry. I walk to our closet and go and pick out my favorite jeans. (LOUIS WILL NOT BE WEARING STRIPS AND RED CHINOS!! He doesnt dress like that any more:( But he'll wear TOMS) My grey skinnys. I get out my Black shirt, because black is slimming. I pull out my black CONVERSES and go to go get dressed. I walk into the bathroom, I put my shirt on, then I do my hair. Once I finished my quiff I put my pants on. I finally get them on, but they wont buckle. I put my face in my hands and took a deep breath. Then I tried again. This was not happening right now. I walked out into the family room, then sat down next to Niall. He looked at me then sighed.

"Whats wrong Lou."

"I need some new pants." I said while frowning.

"They dont fit?"


"Okay we'll get some later."

"Well, we have an interview in two hours and I dont have pants."

"Go try some of mine on."

"Alright" I said and got up off the couch and looked for some of his pants. Luckily I found grey ones.I put them on, they were a bit tight but they'll have to work for now. I walked into the room once again, then sat next to Niall.

"They fit?"

"Yeah. A little tight, but they'll work for now."

"Okay." He looked at me and smiled then kissed me. It was a clean kiss. But nice. We pulled away from eachother and we both smiled. Niall pulled up my shirt and just rubbed my stomach.

"Can you believe our baby is in there?"

"No. not really. But I wouldnt change this for the world."

"I love you." he paused, "I love you both."

"We love you too." We just sat their and talked for about thirty minutes, then we left to go to the interview. It was a thirty minute ride. It was sinlence until I had to ask Niall something.

"Babe. We havent told our parents yet. I think we should wait, its the right thing to do. We can tell the boys though."

"I guess your right boo." Then we finally arrived. We just got our make up done and then it was time to go on. We got intruduced and sat down.

"So boys whats it like being this big?" We all looked at each other, I got signaled to answer.

"Umm, well Its kinda crazy at times. Its weird because we are just normal boys living this abnormal life."

"Is that how you al feel?"

"Yeah." We said in usion. Questions kept coming at us, we answered. A few stories told. The BAM! It was over. Thank god, I was getting uncomfortable. We went into the Dressing room and chatted for a little then we all headed to Niall and I's house to hang out. We all got in our cars in left. I sat in the car and Niall and I held hands. Niall rubbed soothing circles with his thumb on the back of my hand.

"We tellin them?" Niall asked.

"Uhh, yeah I think its time. I think their starting to get suspisious about my stomach and my mood swings."

"Alright." Niall said as we got out of the car and walked into the house and sat on the couch in the family room. I was tempted to rub my stomach, but I didnt want to you know give it away, or for them to think im weird and yeah. Just the thought on how they were going to act scared me. Only me and Niall knew about this. It was our little secret.

"Earth to Louis." Liam yelled at me as he waved his hand infront of my face.


"Lou whats up? You've been doing this a lot lately." If you only knew. I looked at Niall. He gave me a heads up. This was it.

"Boys, we have to tell you something."

"YOUR GETTING MARRIED?" Harry yelled at us.

"No, I wish, but no." I told him

"Ohhhh." He trailed off awkwardly.

"Well as Louis was saying..." Niall paused, then looked at me. I continued the sentence.

"Aperently this is posible. Im pregnant." They all just starred at me. Like I was some kind of alien. I mean yes. Im a pregnant man, but im not the only one out there. I felt the tears well up in my eyes. I ran to my bedroom and cried. I heard yelling but I couldnt make it out or what they were saying or who was saying what. This is all to much. I thought they'd be happy. Thier my best friends why wouldnt they be? I know Im a freak. Its just better off if I go permently. By that I mean by off the earth.


A:N: What will Louis do next? Will the boys catch him in time. Ohhh and let the curiousty kill you!!!! Well thats all I have to say. ONE MORE THING. listen to 'Dont Let Me Go' by Harry Styles. It maybe a cover. It may be a song he wrote I dont know but its a good song.





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