Chapter Fourteen

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‘Merry Christmas!’ Hermione’s parents yelled.

Hermione was on her knees, holding a wrapped up present from her parents. She shook it wondering what it could be, glancing at them with a huge grin on her face. She was still in her pyjamas as was the tradition.

‘Open it,’ Mrs Granger said, holding her husbands arm.

Hermione started to tear the package and she got it half off when she realised...

‘Oh, that’s nice!’ Hermione exclaimed, grinning.

Inside the present lay a pair of summer boots. They looked beautiful. They were green with white bows and love hearts surrounding it. Hermione chuckled, thinking about how coincidental the colour is. Green. Of course it would be green.

‘Do you like it dear?’ Mr Granger asked and chuckled, adding, ‘completely your mother’s idea. She said you were looking for some nice summer boots. I think you were just dropping hints though.’

‘I love it! Thank you!’ Hermione got up and hugged both her parents.

Hermione had given her mother a pair of long blue earrings and her dad, a black wallet, since he was always complaining of it being old and worn. They also loved their gifts and acted overly surprised and happy as usual.

Hermione excused herself and went upstairs. She was going to change out of her pyjamas, when there was a tap on the window. She neared it and saw a large owl, with two presents.

She quickly untied the presents and saw that it was from Draco. She ordered the owl to wait as she got Draco’s present. The owl waited obediently and let her tie the present on his leg and flew off into the clouds.

Hermione opened the card:


Merry Christmas. I love you and always will.

Yours forever, 


Hermione squealed; she hadn't seen Draco for days! Although they had sent a few owl messages to each other, staying up one night until four in the morning. She quickly tore open the present and found a small key.

Confused, she read the letter that came with it.


That's the key to my heart. Keep it safe... God, that sounded corny didn’t it? It’s actually a key to a wooden box I gifted you.


Hermione laughed out loud in her bedroom. She opened the other present and was not surprised to find a small wooden box. On it was carved ‘Hermione’. She, obviously figuring out the key was needed to open it, fit the key in and it sprung open. Music played out of it and two small figurines were kissing. She looked closer and saw the it was Draco and herself

After a few seconds she composed herself and pulled the figurines up, the soothing music floating into her ears. Underneath them were cards, she took them out and looked through them.

There were drawings of Hermione, Draco, both together, both kissing and lots more. The last one was simply of an apple. A green apple. Hermione laughed, thinking of Draco.

There, once again, was a tapping sound on the window. On the sill stood two owls. One was Ginny’s and the other was Ron’s. Placing the wooden box down very carefully, she let them fly in and they landed on her bed. They flew to a glass of water on her desk and started drinking it.

She quickly tore open the present to find a large bag of chocolates. It was from Ron. He wrote:


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