thirty four

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I roll over and move my arm to wrap around Allie, but I'm met with an empty bed. My eyes open and I see her phone missing from the table, her absence not frightening me as much as it usually would have.

There is a note taped to the headboard and I grab it, unfolding it.


Meet me at the end of the altar ;)

Allie <3 xoxo

I smile and get out of bed, calling Louis. The wedding is small, only our families invited. Louis is my best man, and Allie chose Alessia as her Maid of Honor.

Louis comes over and we get ready, my hands fixing my hair. I pull out my Marine's navy blue suit and put it on. Then I start putting my medals on, my hands grabbing my hat.

"Shit you look good," Louis says, my eyes rolling.

"You just think it's better than my usual clothes," I say, his shoulders shrugging.

"You dress like you have no money when you make a shitload from your art. Not to mention you received your father's life insurance so you have even more," he says, my hand slapping his arm.

"You're an ass," I groan, his laugh only making it worse.

I eat something and then brush my teeth, grabbing the rings from the dresser.

"Let me go get my girl," I say, smiling way too big. I'm getting married.

Allie's POV

"Just relax. He'll be right there, ready for you," my mom soothes, her thumbs wiping my tears.

"I know, I'm just...I want to hug him," I say, wanting my Harry's bear hug more than anything right now.

She stays quiet, knowing better than anyone that gestures are the importance. My mom lived off of simplicity and I hope I could be like her, but right now I just want to be married.

"He arrived," Derek says, walking into the room. I turn around and he smiles, hugging me. It's nothing to help with the void. I need Harry.

"You look stunning Allie," he says, my lips curving.

My dress is my favorite. It's tight and fitted on the top and a huge ball gown on the bottom. Josie did my hair, putting it in a low bun. It's beautiful and I'm just about ready to go.

"Okay, just a few minutes to get everything situated out there," Derek says, my lips releasing a deep breath. I patiently wait as best as I can and I hear music, my hand gripping the bouquet tightly.

"Ready, Al?" I hear my dad, my body turning. He smiles, and I nod, taking his outstretched hand.

After one more deep breath, we turn and I face the aisle. My eyes open and I look up, my heart stopping. Harry is wearing his suit; his decorated Marine, Sergeant suit. And he could not look any better.

He smiles at me and I feel tears fall down my cheeks, my lips in a smile. Harry steps down and my father kisses my cheek, placing my hand in Harry's. Then I'm tugged towards Harry and he moves his hands to my face, wiping my cheeks.

"Shh, I'm right here now," he whispers, my hands taking his and holding them tightly. It's only now I realize my father took my bouquet; my oblivion due to my need to have Harry.

I'm barely focusing on what the presider is saying, Harry looking in my eyes the whole time. I watch his mouth move and I watch the action.

"I do," is said and I feel him moving a ring onto my finger. Then I hear my name and I look up, Harry holding my hand tightly.

"I do," I say, moving the ring over Harry's finger. He smiles and I look back up at him, the presider declaring us husband and wife. He take his hat off and tosses it to Louis, his hand grabbing my cheek and pressing his lips to mine. My eyes close and I feel so complete, knowing I'm finally with the man of my dreams.

"I love you baby," he says, my hands grabbing his face.

"I love you too," I beam, on cloud nine right now.

Harry's POV

I hug my Allie close, dancing with her. She buries her head into my neck, my eyes closing as I hold her hand.

"You want to eat something?" I ask, her head shaking.

"I just want my Marine," she whispers, my lips curving. I kiss her forehead and keep swaying her, using the moves she taught long ago when we first met.

We dance as long as she wants, her hand never leaving mine. Allie pulls her head back up and I look at her, my lips pressing to hers.

"You know I will always be here for you, no matter what?" I tell her, knowing there is a potential I will need to go back to train for a long period of time.

"I do know that, and I want you to know that I support you with everything you do, just as you support me," she tells me, my smile growing.

"You're the woman of my dreams," I remind her, her lips releasing a beautiful laugh.

"Dude, you're my man," she says, her word choice making me laugh. We kiss again and I spin her around, watching her huge dress spin. She's a princess and I get to be her prince.

I dance the night with her and we say goodbye to our families, her hands holding mine. We go to the car and I drive us home, her hands running over my shoulders.

"Come on," she says, my hands grabbing her waist.

"A quickie before we go," she whispers, my lips pressing over hers.

My hands run over her back and I find the zipper to her dress, her hands holding me shoulders as she steps out of it. I remove my jacket and pants, my eyes focused on hers. I watch her pull the pin out of hair and she shakes out her curls, my hands grabbing hers.

But I stop her. "Let's wait," I say, her eyes looking up at me. "I want our first time to be on our honeymoon."

She nods, smiling and she walks to the closet in just her panties. The sight alone makes me love the life I'm about to live with her. My beautiful Mrs. Styles.


Hey Loves!!!

Potential double update!!!


All the love!!! <3 xoxo

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