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"She's 20," Derek says, my hand slapping his arm.

"I swear to God," I groan, Harry grabbing my hand beneath the table.

"I respect her and her wishes," Harry defends, Derek glaring at him.

"When I first met you, I should've caught how much older you are than Allison," he states, my breathing quickening.

"If it makes you feel better, ask me what you want," Harry complies, my head shaking.

"No. Don't," I plead to Harry, his head leaning over to mine.

"Baby, I like you. I'll do anything to get them to like me," he whispers, my lip taken between my teeth. Harry doesn't know how mean and conniving my brothers can be when it comes to my dating life.

"Since you are older, what has your dating life brought?" Derek asks, his wife sipping her wine beside him. She obviously doesn't seem to mind my brother's attitude.

"I met a girl before I went into the army, and we were engaged," Harry explains, my brother ready to pounce. "But she broke up with me because of the injury and PTSD I sustained."

"What injury would make her leave?" his wife pipes, my hand tightening on Harry's.

"I lost my leg; knee down," he says, opening up to my family. I look up at him and he smiles, his hand letting go of mine to hold my thigh.

"How long was your previous engagement?" Derek ignores the previous question. I sink in my chair.

"Almost two years, but we dated two before then," he explains, then Derek shoves his sleeves up to his elbows.

"Oh yeah, four years," he says, Harry nodding.

"Have a lot of sex then Harry?" he continues, my hand grabbing my napkin and throwing it at my brother.

"Don't mention sex around Harry, Derek. It's a sensitive topic. You don't know what he's been through," I defend, Harry pulling me towards him. I stand up, Harry following me out into the hall.

"It's fine, Allie," he says, but I shake my head.

"No. I knew he'd do this once he had more time with you. He always does this; scares them off," I say, but he grabs my waist and leans down, getting me to look at him. He pecks my pouted lips and I smile, needing him to be himself with me just as we are right now.

"Takes a lot to scare off a veteran, baby," he grins, my hands grabbing his cheeks. He kisses me again and I laugh when he starts pecking around my face.

"Come dance with me," he tells me, my head nodding. He takes my hand and leads me oer to the dance floor where Lex and Alessia are held together tightly, dancing and staying together in their first hours as husband and wife.

Harry shoves his shirt sleeves up to his elbows, allowing the tattoos to show. His hand grabs mine and I put my other hand on his shoulder, his hand sliding around my waist so we are pressed together. His head rests beside mine and I close my eyes, admiring all the footwork he's placing correctly.

"Stay the night with me," he whispers, my head lifting to look up at him.

"Is this because..." I trail, curious to know if this is due to my brother's foreboding attitude.

"No, baby," he says, but leaves it open ended. His hand stays placed on my bare skin, the backless dress providing him the touch.

"Tell me," I whisper, his lips pressing to the skin beneath my ear.

"I can't go one more night without showing you how I feel for you," he tells me, my heart stopping. It's so curious to me as to why such a strong man like Harry burdens himself with his own feelings by locking them up. I'll give him everything just to show him the life he should have.

"What do you mean?" I ask, his arm wrapped so tightly around my waist his hand is on the other side and holding it tightly. When he hugs me, it feels like he never wants to let go and for that, I don't think I could ever want someone more. He has everything I'm looking for. It's the next few months of building and strengthening our relationship that has me looking forward for the future. Harry is sweet and I want to know if this is what he truly is or if he's just like this in the beginning. Guys have changed for me as relationships grow, and I fear that.

But Harry seems so worried about me half the time, and I think that shows me he's genuine.

"Allie, I want you. All of you," he whispers, my arms lifting to wrap around his neck. He moves his other arm around me and he starts to kiss my neck, making me laugh.

"You know that tradition usually goes for the married couple on a wedding night," I say and he squeezes my waist, my hands pushing his chest as I laugh. But he grabs my hands and I watch as he kisses my knuckles.

"Let's break tradition, baby. All of me for all of you," he winks, my heart pounding. I know Harry is so gentle with me, especially the night we went a little further. Just feeling his hands against me, touching...the thought makes my stomach fill with butterflies. He looked at me as if I were the only thing on his mind; a look I hope never goes away from him.

I fling my arms back around his neck and Harry pulls me close, his head leaning down as he softly pecks my lips.

"But I want you to stay at my place," I tell him, kissing the tip of his nose.

"Why's that?" he asks, my fingers playing with his hair.

"Because I have the ingredients for cinnamon rolls," I say, grinning at him after.

"Sold," he says, the two of us laughing.


My eyes widen and Harry holds me close, the two of us looking over at my brother approaching.

"Derek, please, don't do anythi-" but he cuts me off.

"Allie, I need to speak to you," he says, my eyes looking up. I nod and Harry holds my hand, but Derek presses his hand to Harry's chest.


I swallow hard and Derek grabs my forearm, leading me away from everyone. But what I don't expect is him to grab Lex's arm and drag him away from Alessia.

"Dude," Lex says, the doors to the hall opened.

"Lex, tell her she needs to stop seeing Harry," Derek says, my jaw dropping.

"You liked him when you met at the gym! What happened to that?" I ask, his head shaking.

"No can do. Harry's a great guy. He's served our country," Lex explains, my arms crossing as I look at Derek.

"Get over it, Derek. You have a wife. Make your own kids and hate their boyfriends and girlfriends," I say, his jaw clenching.

"Hey, hey, I saw you three walk out here," my dad says, my head turning to look at him.

"Tell her to break up with Harry," Derek says, Lex and I rolling our eyes.

"Why? I actually like him," he smiles, my lips curving and eyebrow lifting at Derek.

"Really? Did you not see them practically grinding each other-" I cut him off.

"Oh please," I groan, and my dad grabs my shoulder.

"I respect Harry, because of what's he's done for the country. Think about it, Derek. The man's had a long life already and maybe he's found comfort with Allie. Sean needed that comfort when he came home. Maybe that's what Allie is for Harry," my dad says, and I'm shocked at his words. I've never heard my dad speak this way.

Derek sighs and Lex reaches over and hugs me, my eyes closing.

"I want him to be happy. He's already lost so much," I tell them, my body pulling away. The three men in front of me are very important to me, and the fourth is out in the reception waiting for me.

"Be careful. That's all I want," Derek says, Lex and my dad agreeing.

"Just want our little girl safe."


Hey Loves!


Much Love! <3 xoxo

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