twenty one

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I catch Allie as she laughs, the giggly drunk something slightly amusing to watch. She's very cuddly and laughs at everything in her drunk state.

"Let's get you home," I whisper in her ear, the loud music from the club making everything else hard to hear.

"Carry me," she smiles, her arms flailing around my neck. I turn around and she jumps onto my back, carrying her towards the exit of the club. We get into the cold air and she clearly curls closer to me for warmth.

"How are you feeling?" I ask, trying to see if she's not feeling good so I can catch it before she ends up throwing up on my floors.

"Tired. Just hold me, my love," she slurs, her arms tightening around my neck. I just want her to be safe and healthy.

She starts to hum and I keep walking to my place, her hands grabbing my chest. I'd much rather her sleep on the walk home then have her be sick. This is an indication she didn't over drink and for that I'm assured she'll have an easier hangover than some of the stuff I've experienced when I was younger.

I set her down when I reach my door and I see her face twist. I grab the trash can in the hall and she makes it in, her head lifting.

"I need a bath," she groans, her body slumping into mine again. I lead her into my bathroom and I take off my jacket as I draw her a bath, her body sitting on the closed toilet seat. She starts to undress and I help her into the tub. I fold a towel over the side and she rests her head on it, her eyes closing.

I wash her, her eyes closed as she relaxes. When I finish, she looks up at me and laughs, my lips curving.

"I'm drunk," she laughs, my head shaking at how cute she is.

I help her up and she looks up at me, looking at me with those same eyes as last night. She told me she loves me, something I had a hard time comprehending. But hell, it came to me quick; the realization that I'm in love with her as well.

"What's on your mind, baby?" I ask, wrapping a towel around her.

"I want to touch you," she says. "Your body is hot."

I smile and kiss her cheek. "Not today. Much rather we save that for when we'll both remember."

"But," I shake my head, leaning down and kissing her pouted lips.

"I want to, baby. But what if someone can't handle their alcohol?" I ask, her eyes looking up at me. I believe she's trying to seduce me and I can't help but smile.

"You're something else," I say, making her laugh. I kiss the tip of her nose and she walks into my room, her body tripping over her own two feet with how drunk she is. I rush to her side when she begins to fall and she turns, pressing her lips to mine.

"I'm so in love with you that I promise I won't puuuuuke on your shoes," she slurs, then makes the same face. I lift her and rush her into my bathroom again, opening the toilet seat and letting her empty her stomach.

It's like this on and off throughout the night, my body not falling into a deep sleep. She finally sleeps for a longer amount of time and I get out of bed around six in the morning to start making coffee.

My body faces the counter and I fill the coffee machine, setting in a new filter before I start to brew. But a body wraps around me and Allie buries her head into my back. Her fingers stay on my bare abdomen, her arms tight.

"How are you?" I ask, turning around to look at her.

Her eyes are rimmed with purple bags due to the lack of sleep, her hands grabbing my cheeks. "I'm so tired and so sorry I made you go through that," she whispers, my body leaning down so I can kiss her lips.

"I've been through it and the last thing I wanted you to do is wake up without the cure," I say, her blue eyes bright.

I start to kiss her cheek and she laughs, my head lifting when I hear the coffee machine go off.

"So I got aspirin and coffee for you, my love," I tell her, and the smile that takes over her face makes my day so far.

We sit at the kitchen table, her body in my lap as she sips her coffee.

"You are a lifesaver," she says, my lips pressing to her cheek.

"I promised you I'll take care of you," I remind, her smile beautiful. I kiss her cheek once more before she turns her head and kisses me.

"I have to work," she whispers, "at three."

I trail my lips down her neck and she moans, my lips curving. "I don't want you to go," I tell her, her arm hooking around my neck while her hand carefully holds her coffee.

"Come over tonight," she whispers, my lips kissed by hers.

"Baby, I will pick you up from work. When do you end?" I ask, her fingers playing with my hair.

"Ten," she mumbles, kissing my forehead.

"That's a horrible shift," I groan, her lips continuing to press to my face.

"But I'm almost to what I need to start for tuition," she whispers, my head turning to look at her

"I'm so proud of you for going to school," I tell her, her lips curving. "I want you to follow your dream."

"It means the world to me that you say that," she says, my lips pressing to her cheek. Then I take a deep breath.

"Because I love you Allie," I tell her, not really saying it since the first night. I feel like our actions show our love, but saying it...I'm still not used to it.

A huge smile breaks over her lips and she parts her lips over mine, pecking my lips continuously. "I love you too," she smiles, kissing her some more.

We spend the rest of our morning finishing coffee and making little conversation, her body staying on top of me. I love to hold her close and it makes me happy I share these moments with her.


Hey Loves!


Much Love! <3 xoxo

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