CH 14--- Stars

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Annie's POV

So we just finished dance practice today. We're all tired but it's okay.

"We'll make it through" I mumble to myself

"Hmm?" Katie asks while turning the TV on

Caleb and I are with Katie and Brennan at their house because our parents get to go help Paige set some things for the wedding. I know, unfair right? Well anyways, the wedding will be in 4 days and we are all really excited. Like who doesn't get excited in weddings?

"Oh nothing, I just was thinking about being tired and all" I say shrugging

"Hey maybe it's time for you and Melissa to make up. I don't like you guys fighting" Katie says sarcastically

Brennan looked over and frowned. Although I was never fond of his relationship with Melissa, I felt bad for him and I knew if I was him, I wouldn't want to ruin the relationship. I quickly got up and opened my mouth to say something

"I'm going to help you if you want me to" I smile

"Thanks but I clearly have no idea on what to do for her" He shakes his head in disappointment

"Well, you have a backyard" I say pointing out the window "You got some blankets, candles, food, you name it!"

They all looked at me in confusion "Huh?" They say in unison

I roll my eyes "You should have a picnic dumbass!" I chuckle

"Let's do it!" Caleb nods


"Katie?" I ask giving her my 'puppy-dog' eyes

 She all looked at us with a blank face then she finally sighed and said, "Only and only if, Brennan makes us dinner and after that, Melissa should never bother me while I watch Netflix, got that?" She raises a brow

"Okay, okay" Brennan lets out a huge sigh

"Okay so Katie, you get the picnic blanket and set it outside with some pillows. Caleb you look for some sort of candles to light the backyard up. I will prepare the snacks for the date and Brennan, you prepare us pasta for dinner" I order them

They all nod and do their assigned chores. If I cant have Brennan, at least I'm going to make him happy. He's my bestfriend too and what I am doing now is definitely what you'd call bestfriend goals. I know, I'm such a good friend. Brennan and I do our work in the kitchen while Katie and Caleb set the 'decorations' outside. It wasn't really that cold so Brennan agreed to do it outside

"Hey Ans" Brennan says while heating the pasta

"Hmm?" I say making lemonade

"Thank you. I appreciate all of this" He says wrapping his arms around my waist, resting his head on my shoulder

"It's nothing" I blush

And without any clue, his plump lips touches my cheek. As much as I wanted to turn my head towards him so I could kiss him, I feel like this is enough. And besides, he's only my bestfriend. Nothing more, nothing less.

"Oh shit!" Brennan exclaims, letting go of me

"What?" I startle

"I forgot to text Melissa" He laughs

"Oh my God!" I chuckle, mentally face-palming


"Hey guys! Dinner's ready!" Brennan shouts at the top his lungs

"Coming!" Katie yells back

I was setting up the plates when Katie and Caleb came barging in the door.

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