Chapter thirty three: Kiss In The Dark..

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Hanji's POV

We both looked at each other's eyes. Seconds felt like hours as we both looked at each other intensely. My heart was beating so fast that it felt like it was going to rip out of my chest any second.

Then I heard the door shutting and the sound of a faint click. The only source of light was now gone. I can barely see anything on my surroundings. The only source of light in the room was the light through the cracks of the door to the kitchen.

Nearly forgetting that I was on top of Erwin I quickly get off of him. We didn't say anything. I was thankful enough that the room was dark so he won't see my reddening face. 

I stood up and cheeked if I can opener the door but it wouldn't budge.

'Wow great! Who's idea is it to put the lock in front of the door?' I said irritated.

"Hello?! Is anybody there?!! Please were stuck inside!!!" I said shouting and banging the door.

There was no answer except the faint sound of the music and people cheering.

"It seems like will be stuck here for a little while..." I heard Erwin said as he also stood up.

"Y-yeah...." I said. The thought of being alone with him made me have goosebumps.

"Hey hanji....." Erwin said as I heard him walk towards me.

"Ye-!" I was shocked and surprised.

I felt his lips on mine.... It was like in slow motion. I wrapped my arms around him deepening the passionate kiss.

" I've really liked you for a long time..." Erwin said as both ended the kiss.

"Me too...." I said bringing my head down blushing.

I felt him snake his arms around me for a hug.

"Let's stay like this for a minute... It's cold" he said smiling.

"I-o-ok" I said stuttering and put my arms around his neck.

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