Chapter eighteen: A Surprise

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Your POV

I looked around the empty field. 'Is Eren pranking me?! That brat Titan..' I thought angrily. I sigh and looked around once more. 'Agh! Whatever I'm just going to go back' I sigh.

And started heading back to HQ but then I heard a sound.... More like a song. It had a strong power yet it's a very gentle melody.... Like a lullaby..

(Please play the song now)

It was like a nightmare
And it's pain for me
Because nobody wants to die too fast

There I saw him in his fancy clothes with white flowers in his hand slowly approaching me.

Remember the day of grief
Now it's strange for me
I could see your face
I could hear your voice
Remember the day we met
And it's pain for me
Because nobody wants to die too fast

Slowly in the distance I saw other figures... It was everyone.. All of them smiling at me.

Remember the day we dreamt
It's pain for me
I could see your face
I could hear your voice
Can't look back
They will not come back
Don't be afraid
It's time after time
So, once again I'm hiding in my room

I looked at him as he smiled at me sweetly... One of his rare smiles... The smile that I treasure greatly...

The peaceful times are what make us blind
"See you can't fly if you never try" you told me oh, long ago
But you left the wall outside the gate

"Do you remember when I told you I love you.." He shouted in the distance. I only nod still shocked.

"I was afraid that you won't say it back... That it would be just a waste.. But when you told me you love me too... I was happy... The days I have forgotten how to smile... Your the one who thought me.. I honestly don't know how but your magic worked on me.. I love you... I love you so much that I can't imagine a life with out you.." He said this time I could fully see everyone.

And more than ever, it's real
It was like a nightmare
And it's pain for me
Because nobody wants to die too fast

"I love everything about you..."

Remember the day we dreamt
Now it's strange for me
I could see your face
I could hear your voice
Remember the day we met
And it's pain for me
Because nobody wants to die too fast

"Your smile.."

Remember the day we dreamt
And it's pain for me
I could see your face
I could hear your voice
Sing for the reluctant heroes
Oh Give me your strength
Your lives are too short
Sing for the reluctant heroes
I wanna be brave like you
"See you can't fly if you never try" you told me oh, long ago
But you left the wall outside the gate

"Your strength, courage and most of all..."

Now more than ever, it's real
It was like a nightmare
And it's pain for me
Because nobody wants to die too fast

"Being who you are.."

Remember the day of grief
Now it's strange for me
I could see your face
I could hear your voice
Remember the day we met
And it's pain for me
Because nobody wants to die too fast

"I remember you once told me you want to get married someday and have kids of your own.."

Remember the day we dreamt
It's pain for me
I could see your face
I could hear your voice

"Now I only ask one thing.." He said as we now both stood face to face. He took my hand and slowly bent on one knee. I looked at shocked. Tears were streaming down my cheeks.

Sing for the reluctant heroes
Oh Give me your strength
Your lives are too short
Sing for the reluctant heroes
I wanna be brave like you

"Will you marry me miss commander (y/n)"


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