Taggedpt 1

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Ok so I was tagged by Kittyboo01
Thank you for tagging me 😂🤗

So the rules are you must follow it.
Have to give 13 facts about you and tagged 13 people. Make up 13 questions for them as well.... You cannot say "I don't tag".... And you can say it on the comment if you guys don't have a book published.... Now let's start.

Facts about me✌🏻

1. I was born in the Philippines🇵🇭

2. I love singing and dancing! 🎤👯

3. I'm a big Percy Jackson Fan!🌊📚

4. I love Kpop! (Big fan of Girls Generation! And Big Bang!) 😊🎤👍🏻

5. I'm in love with Logan Lerman!☺️😳💕

6. I'm scared of dolls 😖👎

7. My birthday is Aug 14! (Awesome fact: I'm birthday month buddy's with Percy Jackson his birthday is Aug 18 which is 4 days after my birthday! I think we're really destined to be
together!!) 😊☺️😳👍

8. I love maze runner!

9. I love Dylan O'brien!

10. I'm also birthday month buddy's with Dylan cause his birthday is Aug 26!

11. I grew up with four older brothers which sucked but hey! Free food! 😂✌🏻️👱🏻👱🏻👱🏻👱🏻

12. I want to be an actress when I grow up! Or be a flight attendant because that's what my mom wants me to be and I'll make sure it happens!

13. I'm planning to be a youtuber in the future! Meaning I'll do YouTube and see if it works for me then have a time to be a flight attendant and maybe one day you'll see me in Hollywood 😂😂😂

People I will tagged















Q#1 if you could live in any anime world where would you live in?

A- OH MY GAD YOU GUYS HAVE NO IDEA HOW HARD IT IS!! Um ok... I have no ideas guys there's way too much anime that I love and I don't know which one to pick... Anyway good question!

Q#2 what go you in anime?

A- my friends started talking about anime and I was like what the heck is anime... So searched it up and found really good ones and started watching more and instantly fell in love with it!

Q#3 what is your favourite animal?

A- cats and dogs!

Q#4 how did you find Wattpad?

A- long story short since I moved in Canada I stayed here for 4 years and actually went back to the Philippines in 2014 because my older brother is getting married also to celebrate Christmas with the whole family and new year as well. My cousin showed me a Filipino book which was published by Wattpad so I started asking her about it and decided to make an acc.... I actually have lots of acc but I just don't log in to them anymore! So that's how I found it!

Q#5 if you could time travel to the past what period would you go to?

A- hmm.... I would go to the period of the time hitler came into power..... Oh how I would love to kick his ass!!

Q#6 if you could morph into anything what would you morph to?

A- I actually don't know

Q#7 how did you get into Anime/ manga?

A- I got into it because sometimes the scenes in the anime can somehow relate in my life and I like acting as if I'm the anime character and yeah 😂

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