Feminist Speaker *1*

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*Femmy's POV*
I'm at a Feminist Speach with a bunch of other feminists around me
I'm next up to speak and I'm nervous
As I go on stage I notice a man smoking a blunt with the other in his nose holding a camera
I looked at him for a good minute until I caught myself and started my Speach.
"Hello ladies! Now let's talk about equality. I think men should have to suffer like us woman. It's just not fear. We have to do through all this pain and men don't care. Not only do they not care for us women, they also want us to do everything for their them! MAKE ME A SANDWICH! CLEAN MY FLOORS WITH THE BURNING BLEACH! I'M NOT AFRAID OF YOU! MEN ARE HORRIBLE! *this is just Femmy's Speach pls don't hurt me*
As people clap that guy with the sweater and the camera stares into my eyes with light red cheeks

*Calvin's POV*
I'm at a feminist Speach recording every Speach for a youtube video
Some of these speaches are really weird until a woman with pink hair and a pink dino costume hops on the stage in front of me.
I can't stop starring at her beautiful eyes and the blunts in her nose.
I think "is it weird that she looks exactly like me?"
"She looks fun" Calvin hissed

*Back to Femmy's POV*
I'm finally finished with my Speach.
"That was pretty intense I wonder who that man was..."
As I walk to get my bag, I hear someone from behind. I turn around to see the man I was just talking about ...

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