Chapter:1 The story of my life

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Ariana's POV:

People were crated to be loved. Things were created to be used. The reason why this world is in chaos is because because thins are being loved and people was being used.

That's what my mom always told me and I always told her I that would never be me.

"Ariana wake up it's time to get up!"I could hear me mom scream from down stairs.

"Okay no need to scream"I mumbled. Today was the day the I could go to the back to high school as a senior i know one more year!I went into the shower and did my daily routine.What should I wear today?I thought,something o impress him.I deiced to where dark blue jeans and a long dark blue areo shirt I did my hair in a high pony tail.

"Hurry Talin is here!"

"Going!" I grabbed my bag and went down stairs

"Talin!'I squeaked

"Ari!'' she said I ran and gave her a tight hug.

"Are u guys going to eat breakfast" my asked

"Okay but fast"I said.


"Same as always"Talin said as we got out of my car.

"Yup,come let's go and get our schedule" i said looking everywhere if i could find Justin.We entered the office and boy i missed this noisy and crowded place sike! One more year and I m out of here.

"Ariana Grande and Talin Miscott" Talin told the lady.She had wrinkles and had bags under eyes.Poor ldy she doesn't know about make up or least how to keep her face young!

"do I have something in my face" she scoled. Yes everything I told myself.

"oh no I was just day dreamimg your face is fine'' I give her a warm smile.

"Here"The old lady said.

"Did u see here face?"i asked Talin

"She looks like she hasn't slept in years"She said


"whats your schedule?"

"Umm i have science,biology,French,lunch,reading,math,world study you?"

"Omg we have biology,and math together'She said.

"Yay!" I said.

"Ok will see you later "I said and hurried to my locker 282. I put my stuff inside.I turned around and bumped into somebody.

"opps sorry"I said looking up and what do you know it's Justin.

"It's okay....."He said looking at me weird.

"what do i have something in my face"i said

"No I think I have seen you some where"He said

"Oh well I am Ariana Grande"I said smiling.

"Ok yeah your that girl i sat with last year in math"He said.

"Yup"I said awkwardly.

"Will see ya i have to go to science"he said.

"Oh I have science to!'i said.

"Okay let's go" we entered and i sat in the back and Justin followed me!

"Okay student's sit down,my name is-"The old man said but was cut off by Justin

"No one cares"he said making everyone laugh.

"Sorry I am late!'A very pretty girl said.I looked at Justin and he was dead face dropped.

"Oh pretty girl in the class"He whispered to me,I just nodded and smiled.I got competition...

"well Amy Brooks sit down"The teacher said.She looked for a sit.

"Move over!"Justin said.

"What!"i said I didnt want to move.

" i said move i want her next to me "he said

"no"i said.

"Move"he insisted angrily

"Fine"I said i got up and moved over a spot.

"Over here cutie"Justin said.

"Well thank you"She said.

"well thank you'i said mocking her voice.


"Okay read pages 10-20 and be ready for tomorrow"the teacher said.

I got up not looking at Justin that girl is new and Justin already got her phone number and of course she fell in love with him. Stupid Amy why did she come.

"hey"Talin said sitting next to in biology class.

"hey" I mumbled.

"What's wrong?"

"What's wrong!"I say earning people's attention.

"What's wrong? this new girl came Amy and she took my chance with Justin why because she is obviously prettier than me"i whispered.

"Ariana just stop he's a Playboy he will break your heart"she said.

"No he wont he's really nice!,he have a heart like everyone else so he cares watch'i said.


I was putting my stuff away to go home.Today was not my day ,I have classe with Justin in Science and worl'ds study and Amy in in them two! I was walking to my car and I see Justin eating Amy's face.Great now they are boyfriend girlfriend.

"Ariana!'I he screams .I walked to him.

"What?"I said.

"i want you to meet my new girlfriend" He said. i felt like my heart was crushed.

"oh....why would i care?" i managed to say

"I dont know i just had to tell someone"He said.

"Oh"i said I walked away and went into my car.

"I tol-"Talin said

"Shut it"I said and dropped Talin home.

"I am home mom"I said. No answer..... I saw a note.

I am going to come home late order food if your hungry,Love mom

I went upstairs and changed.

"I hate you Amy why did u have to come into my life!"I screamed.

"I am so stupid why am i crying over a play boy,i deserve more.From on i will try to forget about Justin."

Even if it means to meet a new boy i'll do anything

Hey guys! Probably no one is reading this lol its okay I like writing to myslef!;) but anyways I hope u like this chapter vote comment Share!

Mr.Playboy used me (Jariana Love story) Editing in process !Where stories live. Discover now