Chapter7:It's On....

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Ariana's POV:

"Ariana can i talk to u?" Oh shoot! Did he hear me? Oh well he had to some day.


"in private" shit just got serious her,my heart was pounding my stomach was going in circles.I looked at Talin then at Justin

"sure" i followed him into an empty classroom

"oh God don't let Justin kill me i am to young with a life a head if me i didnt mean to cause him to break up with Amy"I whispered to myself.

"So u heard about the rumor how Amy and I broke up"

"yeah and how u broke up with her because of me?"

"yes i have strong feeling for u and when Amy did that to u I had to break up with her."

I must be dreaming he did not just say that.

"the question is would u like to go out with me?"

Out of nowhere I was losing my breath.Justin Bieber the playboy was asking me out and he has feelings for me! I tried breathing but it was hard.I felt like someone was squeezing my chest shut I looked at him before I feel down and my world went black.

Justin POV:

I had asked her out and all that i was thinking was say yes.Then she started to breath weird and she tired to hold on to something and looked at me quickly then feel and she blacked out.

"damn  this girl is weird"i mumbled.I took her to the nurse office.

"what happened to her" the nurse asked as I placed her on the bed.

"i asked her a question and she fainted"

"oh i see this girl has bad blood pressure so anything that is big can cause her to faint"


"okay will i'll be outside u can wait here until she wakes u"

"okay" she closed the door behind her and left.I sat and faced her.

"please wake up I need a yes  for my plan"

"poor girl she is to weak and fragile I kinda feel bad" for some reason something in my guts told me not to use her but i cant back down.

"Justin?" I looked up to her and boy does this girl look weak.

"hey, dont talk a lot ur weak"


"the nurse said u have low blood pressure?

"oh yeah umm if I get asked a surprised question or I am told something huge i faint my dad is like that"she said.

"I should take u home" she tired getting up but failed.

"here let help you" I put my hand around her waist.

"u have a very small waist"

"i know"

"dont u eat?"

"of course I do! I just love playing basketball a lot so I play and i play like everyday so yeah"

"u play basketball? arent u suppose to be a cheerleader like everyone else?" I opened the door to her

"thank u" I ran to the other door and entered.

"when my dad was with me he once told me U  WERE BORN TO BE A HUMAN NOT A FOLLOWER,UNIQUE,AND MOSTLY HUMAN DON'T FOLLOW PEOPLE BECAUSE OF THE STEREOTYPE so just because every girl does cheer leading  it doesn't mean I do cheer leading"

Mr.Playboy used me (Jariana Love story) Editing in process !Where stories live. Discover now