Chapter34: Tonights my birthday, every nights my birthday!

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Please read the authors note at the end, it's very important!


"happy birthday Ariana!" I hear a huge crowd say.

I take of my blind and see my secret admirer in front of me.

"thank you!" I say shocked.

"you like my surprise?" Justin says.

"yes, thank you!' I say hugging him.

"your welcome princesses!" he whispers.

The music is turned back on and people are back to dancing and talking.

"i totally thought you forgot about my birthday" i say looking into his caramel eyes.

"of course not, I just wanted to make you a huge party"

"how did Talin know about this?"

"when she came to talk to me about how I didn't give a present, I explained to her everything and she thought it was cute."

"i told her not to talk to you though!"

"she came with the idea of, you and her partying together" he explained.

"that is so clever of her!"

"I know right, but let's party birthday girl!"


"come on let's dance, I love this song" he says pulling me with him.

"And we are we are we are, the crazy kids!" I hear people sing.

I start dancing to the rhythm and so I enter into my world of dancing. I forget I am at the party, until I hear people clapping and whistling. I return back to earth and I see people forming a circle around me.

"Okay, let the dance battle begin!" Talin says.

"What!" I say confused.

"Me and you are going to have a dancing battle silly" Amanda one of not so close friend says.

"Being it on skinny bones" I say.

One of my hobbies is dancing and its mostly dancing to pop music! So I am sure I can win

"Alright birthday girl, but I am going first" she laughs.

"Go ahead you no what they say first is the worst" I smirk.

"Hit it DJ!" She hollers.

Neon Lights by: Demi Lovato comes on.

She starts out slow, then as the music goes on she starts to break dance.

"Your all I see on all these places your all see on all these faces"

"Your turn Ariana!" Some says.

"And well be burning out like...."

Yes! It the best part of the song! It gets to the slow part and I start by swaying my hips side to side. I start doing my best dancers. 1 2 3 split! I get up and a star samera earning applause from the crowds.

"okay my turn" she says.

We go back and forth until the song was done. " it was an amazing battle!"

"but only one winner! and the winner is Ms. birthday girl!"

"yes!" I cheer.

"good job!" she says.

Mr.Playboy used me (Jariana Love story) Editing in process !Where stories live. Discover now