Chapter29: Best Friend on the way!

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"do you think they are coming?" I ask Amy.

"don't know maybe not, since they are tired of us"

" nope they are here after all" I whisper to her.

She looks around and see Ariana and Justin seating in there seat, 7 seats away from us.

"of, course they would come! its there first game they watch" Amy explained.

"yeah" i say.

"okay, just don't look at them, okay?"


We both turn to watch the game.

"oh, look the Cheerleaders are cheering and dancing!" Amy cheered.

"you really like cheer leading don't you?" I asked clearly.

"yeah, its my life" she sighed.

"why, so sad?" i asked worried. Why am I worried about her? I ignored my thoughts and looked at her.

"my, parents they dont want me to be a cheerleader" she simply said.

"why, not?"

"my, older sister died in a practice she was doing a stunt  and fell bad and died at that insist and they don't want me to die either" she whispered.

"wow, I never seen this side of you" i said honestly.

"shut up, you never saw this side of me" she said coldly.


"stop asking stupid question Ryan and watch the game" she said turning around to face the players play.

"okay" I mumbled. Amy is hiding something........


" whoop, whoop!" I yelled when Boozer made a three pointer.

"this is way better then at home" Justin said.

"i know and they are tall as fudge" I say looking at Noah passing the ball to Snell.

"yes!" Justin and I yell as they make another point.

The Bulls are winning 21:33 , whoot whoot!


"that was amazing!" I say as we walk out the stadium.

" i agree with u" someone says behind us.

Justin and I turn around, Ryan and Amy.

"oh, hey guys" I say awkwardly.

"hey" Ryan says.

"umm, we better be g-" Justin starts to say but then gets interrupted by Amy.

"I know you guys are tired of us" yes!

"but, I just want to clear stuff" Amy smiles sweetly.

"okay" I say

"okay, well Ryan and I are sorry for you know being annoying and we want to be your less annoying friends" she explains.

"umm" Justin says starring at me.

My heart tells to forgive them, just because I really don't enemies, but my gut told me not to... But then again they are Justin's friends and I could see it Justin eyes h wanted to forgive them too.

"okay, fine we will forgive you" I said firmly.

"yay!" Amy says hugging me.

I chuckle and hug her back. "okay, well Amy and I have to leave now" Ryan said.

Mr.Playboy used me (Jariana Love story) Editing in process !Where stories live. Discover now