Chapter21:Mr.Playboy's history/Dark sides.

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"I started to become a playboy in freshmen year, a year before you moved here"

"I was just a normal person,with  both of my real parents"

He looked around the room,blinking the fresh tears away.

"Justin, it's okay to cry" i said as i grabbed his soft cold hands.

"sorry it's that I never told anyone about my past" He mumbled.

"Oh then don't tell me,I don't want to force you to tell me anything" I said sincerely.

Now I felt what he felt when I was telling him my past.

"I have to,it's the only way I can this feeling I have stuck in my chest for a long time.

"okay,I understand how you can continue" I weakly smiled.

He smiled back, "My parents started to fight, apparently my dad was cheating on my mom,but he wasn't...., until my dad kicked my mom out,I still remember the exact words he told her, they were All woman are worthless all they want is sex and money,they use us for fame and popularity I done with you!,after that my dad slowly taught me that woman were worthless and toys"

"but there not"I whispered to myself.

"I got influenced by him I tried it and it work,I went out with a girl and broke up with her shortly after and they didn't care because all they wanted was sex,so shortly after I started dating many girls and broke up with them,some cried and some didn't,I didn't care because they are toys to me,but now I see it differently I see girls differently thanks to you"

I caught myself blushing,but then looked the other way so he wouldn't see it.

"Ever since I started dating I have changed and I don't want to be a Playboy anymore,I want to be normal....but I can't"

"why not?''

"because of my popularity, everyone one expects high things about me I can't change myself I can't"

I could see the hurt and pain through his eyes,something inside those eyes cried for help,and I was determined to his help,I don't care what it took I was going to help Justin.

"yes,you can Justin, if you try you will,nothing is the limit we can change and do what you  want"

"thank you"he whispered.

"no thank you for trusting me and telling me what you felt inside"I smiled.

"You the only  person I can trust"

"no Justin,I am not the only one,it's me and you,you must trust yourself to"

H chuckled,"trusting myself.........I can't I lost trust of myself since the day I became the playboy of the school"

"well,I trust you I believe in you,that person you were three years ago still existed inside of you,you just have to find it"

"It's just to hard"

"That's why I am here"

He was about to cry,his eyes were accumulating will pain and then one by one they fell out his eyes...

"come here"I stood up so I could give him a huge,he didn't object he got up and hugged me back.

"Thank you" He said through his cries.

"I will always be here for you,I promise"

He squeaked me harder,I felt save inside of his arms.

Mr.Playboy used me (Jariana Love story) Editing in process !Where stories live. Discover now