Chapter Ten

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Thank you for all the votes and comments. :) ~Heza-chan

I never thought I would be here. I always thought I would grow old and die on Tenrou Island. Never knowing what was beyond the vast ocean. Never knowing what it would be like to have an adventure, or to have friends other than Mavis and Zera. But that all changed the day they came to the island. The day he came and brought us out into the great, wide world. And I'll never forget it. That's why he has to be saved. When I look back to this adventure we had together, I want to look back to fond memories. I cannot and will not accept an ending like this. I don't exactly know why it's all so dear to me, but I'm sure that this is what it means to have friends and never wanting that bond severed.

I looked around the destroyed town of Magnolia. I had to find Mavis and help her. I saw Yuri smash two more buildings.

'If we don't stop him soon, Magnolia will cease to exist,' I thought before searching again.

Suddenly gold coins began to fall from the sky. I held out my hand to catch one, but it went right through.

"This must be an illusion created by Mavis," I smirked, "I see. She did it to distract Yuri. Even though the Tenrou Jade's dark magic took him over, his treasure hunter instinct will be attracted to the coins."

Sure enough, Yuri was heading towards a giant pile of gold coins. I ran towards the pile. Mavis had to be in the area.

Soon I spotted Mavis on top of a building beside Yuri. She jumped off and landed on Yuri's back. I started to create a gust of wind to fly myself up to her, but Mavis' illusion disappeared, which angered Yuri. He began to swing his tail around knocking me down along with more buildings. I landed hard on my back.

"Damn it!!"

I picked myself up. I saw that Mavis was still on Yuri's back, but unfortunately, she wasn't for long. Yuri took a shape left bucking her off. Mavis soared through the air screaming. I quickly summoned a breeze that brought her safely beside me.

"Thank you, Yuki."

"No problem. So any ideas on how to save Yuri?"

Mavis nodded, "I'm going to use Law."

"But Mavis..."

"If there's a greater than zero chance of saving Yuri, that's what I'll pin my hopes on! I swear I'll rescue him!!"

I smiled, "then you do what you must, and I will too."


"I'll distract Yuri and get him close enough to you so you can use law."

"But Yuki..."

"No buts Mavis."

She nodded with a determined look in her eyes, "okay then. Let's go."

We ran towards Yuri. Mavis veered off so she could get to the top of a building. Once I was close enough, I sent a strong gust of wind towards Yuri hitting him in the side.


He turned towards me and roared. I started running towards the building Mavis was standing on. I didn't have to turn around to know Yuri was following me. I almost had Yuri where he needed to be when he swung his tail sending debris towards me. I felt a sharp pain in my back then nothing. I couldn't feel anything from the waist down. I used the strength of my arms to turn myself over. Yuri was closing in on me.

"Yuri please stop," I felt tears roll down my face, "we're friends. Please Yuri!"

He began to charge, ready to crush me to death.

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