Chapter Nine

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Thank you for all the votes and comments. :) ~Heza-chan

After what felt like forever of running, I finally arrived at the Cathedral.

"Yuri! Precht!"

They turned to me as I caught my breath.

"I see your mission has been completed successfully," Precht said.

Yuri grinned, "we're pretty much done over here too, Yuki! Magic's pretty fuckin' powerful, I tell ya!"

I took a deep breath, "and the Tenrou Jade?!"

Yuri raised his eyebrow, "oh? No beating around the bush with you, I see. Although you're right...I did say that up til this very moment, our missions would be the same...I'm sorry, but from here on out, no guarantees."

"Where is the Tenrou Jade, Yuri?!!"

He began to toss the jade up in the air then catch it in his hand, "sorry but I ain't about to give up this baby any time soon," he held the jade still for me to see, "it's ours now."

Suddenly Mavis and Zera ran through the door.

"You must not touch that," Mavis yelled.

Yuri smirked, "oh Mavis. Well, I guess it is the sacred heirloom of your island's people, so..."

She shook her head, "NO! That's not it! We were all simply unaware of the true nature of the jade! That jade is no treasure! It is a dangerous object. A long time ago, the Tenrou Jade absorbed too much evil magic power. It became impossible to control, so it was sealed away on Tenrou Island. That jade, if ever to touched by a human hand again, would cause him or her to be controlled by that evil power."

"So that's what Geoffrey meant," I asked.

Mavis nodded, "he tolded me after you left."

Precht turned to Yuri, "Yuri! Put the jade down!"

Yuri scoffed, "you telling me you're just gonna believe all that crap?! You know just as well as I do how much of a schemer these girls are, especially Mavis. This is definitely a trap! They're trying to steal the jade from us!"

"It is the truth," Mavis yelled.

Zera clenched her fists, "why just don't get it, do you...?"

"Please! Yuri!"

He shook his head, "I ain't gonna fall for your tricks."

"They're not tricks," I yelled, "please Yuri. You have to believe us."

He looked at me with an emotion I didn't understand.


Suddenly a horrible light shined from the jade, blinding us. It was so bright, I had to close my eyes.

"The Tenrou Jade is...OUT OF CONTROL!!!!"


I could hear his screams of pain. When the light disappeared, I opened my eyes.

"Where's Yuri?!"

"He disappeared."

The ground began to shake, then there was a terrible roar. The blue bone dragon had awakened.

Precht started to sweat, "wh...what on earth just happened?! And where the hell is Yuri?!!"

"He's been swallowed up by the evil magic power. And in an effort to further manifest itself, that evil energy has possessed an equally evil symbol," Mavis explained.

"So the thing making that bone dragon move around is..."

"Most likely Yuri himself," Mavis concluded.

The ground shook more and more meaning Yuri was running though the town.

"At this rate, this town is going to be reduced to rubble," Zera said.

"What is to become of Yuri," Precht asked Mavis.

"Don't worry. I will save him," she vowed.

With that said, she ran outside.

"Precht, we need to go and help the people evacuate," I said, "they don't have magic like we do, so they're more vulnerable."

I ran to the door, but Precht didn't follow. I stopped and looked at him.

"Precht. Precht!"

It was no use. He just stood there like statue.

I sighed, "damn it Precht! Get your ass in gear. I know you're worried about Yuri. I am too, but right now there are people in trouble, and we're the only ones who can save them."

Precht looked at me, "you're right. It's time to nut up or shut up."

I tilted my head, "what?"

"It's something Yuri would say before every quest."

I laughed, "yeah, that sounds like him. Now let's go."

We ran out of the Cathedral the split up. I started helping people to the forest.

"Please try to stay together."


I quickly ran towards the scream. I saw a family huddled together under a tumbling building. I held out my hands. A gust of wind came and pushed against the building, but it wasn't strong enough. The building came closer and closer to the family making them scream.

"Come on!"

"You're not setting your heart free."

"I don't understand what that means."


I closed my eyes, 'feel. I need to use my feelings.'

"You're my friend too, right?"

"Yeah, I'm your friend too."


"Thank you for listening, Yuri."



"What were you thinking? Jumping in front of me like that. You could've been killed!"

"I couldn't let you get hurt."

"I can take care of myself."

"I know that, but I will still protect you, Yuki. I protect the ones I care about."

"Please don't scare me like that again."

"I won't. I promise."

I opened my eyes, 'FEEL!!'

The wind picked up and blew the whole building to the other side of town. The family quickly thanked me before running to the forest. I looked at my hands.

'Did I really just do that? Were my feelings that strong?'

I looked up at the bone dragon who was still destroying everything in its path.

"Yuri," I balled my fists, "don't worry. I'm coming to save you! Yuri!"

Hope you like it!
Please vote and comment your thoughts. :) ~Heza-chan

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