Chapter Two

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Thank you for all the votes and comments. ^-^ ~Heza-chan

"Whether you go first or second...I will win this game in one round."

I just stared st Mavis in shock after she said those words.

"Oi oi, missy, you sure you understand the rules," the man, who was also shocked, asked.

Mavis smiled, "of course. The magic circle you constructed will referee this game, right? And after having said that I 'will win in one round within this circle, if I did not win one round, I will have uttered a lie. And we both agreed on the fact that he who lies in this game is defeated, right?"

The man nodded, "yes," he then smirked, "it doesn't matter whether I go first or second, right?"


"Alright," he pointed to himself, "then I'll go first."

I silently groaned, 'I hope you know what you are doing, Mavis.'

The man's green eyes ran over the library, "Here I go," he pointed at Mavis, "You're a bird..."

Mavis quickly cut him off, "incorrect," I almost ed laughed at the man's dumbfounded expression, "you made a mistake and therefore I win."

"Wait a second, missy," he exclaimed, "I didn't even get to finish my freakin' sentence!"

"Oh,"Mavis tilted her head, "was there a rule about having to listen to our opponents until they're finished?"

I laughed, "ha! She got you good!"

"I was told that 'you are a bird.' I, a human, therefore responded that that was incorrect," Mavis explained.

The man glared at her then started to wildly wave his arms, "that kind of stuff doesn't work! That doesn't count!"

I put my hands on my hips, "Oh really?"

He got in Mavis' face, "additional rule! We have to listen to each other till the end of our statements!"

Mavis sighed, "got it."

The man calmed down, "next up is your turn, missy."

"Right. I will, after this, beat you with a certain word. In one round. Please keep your promise. To leave this island," Mavis' eyes started to sparkle, "and also to let me meet the fairies."

"If your statement proves true then the game will continue, and it will be my turn to attack with a question. And if your statement proves untrue you will lose, missy," the man explained, "do you even understand that it is logically impossible for the person asking the question to win on the same turn?"

"The logic you refer to is but the product of an influence predicted on your previously accumulated intelligence and experience," Mavis said, "the truth is far more simple," she smiled, "here I go," she took a deep breath, "since this game has begun, you have blinked 57 times."

"What...what do you mean," he yelled.

"What I said. 'You have blinked 57 times since the beginning of this game.' Is the correct or incorrect?"

"How am I supposed to..." he quickly covered his mouth making Mavis smirk.

I smiled, 'way to go, Mavis!'

The man shook his head, "that's something we've both done! We have it in common! It's against the rules!"

"No...I haven't blinked a single time since this game has begun," I looked to see her eyes watering, "it's starting to hurt a little."

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