Chapter Three

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Thank you for all the votes and comments. :) ~Heza-chan

"Yeah! This is the beginning of an adventure!"

Mavis cheered those words once we set sail towards Hargeon Port. That is what Warrod called our destination. I smiled looking at the sea. It was so beautiful.

"The sea," I looked at Mavis, "it's so vast."

I nodded, "and big! The sea breeze feels wonderful, doesn't it?"

Zera nodded as she leaned against the mast. Mavis then waved at a passing seagull.

"Hello! They're in the middle of migrating."

I watched in awe as a flock of seagulls flew overhead, "so cool."

Yuri walked up to us, "you guys have been gazing out at the sea for hours. I'm surprised you're not tired of it yet."

"Looking out at the sea from the island and from being in the middle of it are totally different views," Mavis cheerfully explained.

" I concur," I said, "being able to just see water for miles everywhere you look is truly magical."

Yuri shrugged, "if you say so..."

He pulled an apple out of nowhere then started to munch on it. He pulled out another apple then offered it to me.

"I do! It's marvelous," I said as I accepted the apple.

Mavis pointed out towards the horizon, "now let's head for Hargeon! After getting information on Blue Skull there, I'll get the Tenrou Jade back for sure!"

"Yesh ve vell," I said with a mouth full of apple.

"Don't talk with your mouth full," Yuri scolded me before looking at Mavis, "yeah, we'll help you get that far. Although, we're going to take it from there."

Mavis and I giggled at his statement. Yeah right! Like we were going to let them take the jade.

He glared at me, "what are you giggling at, blondie?"

I swallowed the rest of the apple before glaring back, "at you because you think we're going to let you take to jade. And who are you calling 'blondie?!' You're blonde, too!"

He smirked, "have you forgotten already? We are treasure hunters, so we will be taking the s-class secret treasure."

"That's what you think, you big idiot," I snapped.

He got in my face, "who are you calling 'idiot,' blondie?!"

"You! You idiot!"

The others watched us glare at each other. Yuri then turned around.

"Forget it," he said walking away, "I'm not going to argue with a little girl like you."

"We're almost the same age, idiot," I yelled before walking in the opposite direction.

Zera giggled, "lover's quarrel."

"AS IF!!"

I went back to gazing at the sea trying to calm down.

'Why does he have to say that? And why does it bother me so much?'

A few hours later, Yuri started to mess with the main sail. Curious, Mavis walked up to him.

"Do you change the angle of the sail in accordance with the wind's direction," she asked.

"That's right," he grinned, "I'm good at making minor adjustments."

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