Chapter One

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It was another beautiful day on Tenrou Island. I was on my way to get Mavis so we could clean the library. I could hear her singing as I get closer to her.

"It's a beautiful day today too," the thirteen year old sang as she sat on a tree branch swinging her feet back and forth.

"Stop singing to yourself, silly," a voice called from beside me.

I looked to my left to see my thirteen year old sister, Zera.

"We've got to clean the library today Mavis, remember? Big sis and I have been waiting," she said pointing at me.

Mavis stopped singing, "ah! That's right!"

Zera sighed, "of course you'd forget."

I chuckled, "come on you two, we better head over there right now."

Mavis nodded before getting off the branch. She started skipping towards the library when Zera stopped her.

"Wait! Mavis! You forgot to wear shoes again!"

"It feels so much better to be barefoot," Mavis told her.

Zera looked down, " aren't still sore over what happened that day...are you?"

I frowned. I knew she was talking about when father tried to give her Mavis' old shoes, but she yelled in disgust saying she might get germs from Mavis.

Mavis' face turned cold, "ah! You said some pretty horrible things, huh."

Zera looked at me for help, but I shook my head. I knew Mavis wouldn't hold it against her.

"But," Zera turned back to Mavis to see her smiling, "it's okay. I don't mind. Because we're friends."

"Mavis," Zera looked down then her head shot up with a huge smile on her face, "gah! You're so adorable!"

Mavis grinned as she patted Zera's head, "You're cute too, Zera!"

Zera turned to me, "big sis is cute too, right Mavis?"

She nodded, "she sure is!"

I blushed, "stop it! I'm not cute."

I started walking, but tripped over a branch.

Zera and Mavis started laughing.

"You're right big sis," Zera said, "You're not cute. You're clumsy."

"AM NOT!!"

That made them laugh harder. I stood up pouting, but soon, I joined in.

It's been 7 years since Blue Skull's attack on Red Lizard. The guild members and townspeople were all killed. Zera, Mavis and I were the only ones who survived. In the past 7 years, we've been living together in peace on Tenrou Island. Just the three of us. It hasn't been easy, but we managed. We slept in the old stable and spent most of our days in a library or exploring the island.

We finally got to library and start cleaning. Of course Mavis kept getting distracted by her favorite books, but once Zera scolded her, she would get back to work. Suddenly Zera froze looking at the entrance.

Mavis tilted her head, "Zera, what's wrong?"

"Someone's coming," she said before running behind a bookcase with a cry, "I haven't spoken to anyone in seven years! What am I gonna do?!"

"It's like me and Yuki don't even exist," Mavis whined.

I heard footsteps getting closer. Mavis and I went to the entrance as Zera panicked. I stood slightly ahead of Mavis ready to protect her. Suddenly a handsome man walked through the entrance. He was tall with medium-length, wavy spiked dark blonde hair. He had thick eyebrows and very prominent eyelashes that surrounded his beautiful green eyes. He wore a black turtleneck and a red leather jacket with a folded, fur-trimmed collar and breast pockets on each side. He also wore simple pants with frayed hems and plain black shoes.

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