chapter 1

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When Joey was 13

One day Joey and Owen went to Joey’s house when his dad was gone so shit wouldn't go down. Owen was kinda scared of what could happen. He went along with anyway. They went to his bedroom and sat down and started to kiss with out knowing that his father just came home. Mr. Scott walked up the stairs and saw them walking in the door. 

"What the fuck is going in here?" Joey got up he looked scared. 

"It nothing dad can you leave us alone please." 

"Why so I can let you guys kiss I don't think so. Owen go home so I can talk to Joey alone." 

"I'm not leaving. I know what you do to him when I leave." his dad grabbed Joey by the arm dragging him to his bedroom. When Joey got to his parents bedroom his dad through him in the wall. Joey lay there for awhile.  

"Get up faggot. So you bring him here so guys can kiss in my house." 

"I'm sorry please stop." Joey got up trying to leave but couldn’t. He lost his balance and fell. His father kicked him around before picking him up. He punched in really hard till Joey spit up blood. Soon he was able to leave and ran back to Owen. When Owen looked at him it made him sad. 

"Baby you need to tell someone or one day he could really hurt you. Show me what happen." he took off his shirt and Owen could see heavy bruising and redness. His face was also really beat up.  

"You need to come home with me. I can’t leave you here." 

"I want to but I don't know what he'd do if I tell him." 

"Ask your mom she'd say yes." he kissed him slowly. Soon Mr. Scott came back. The guys got scared but he just shot Owen a dirty mean look.  

"I'm gonna go. When I leave lock your bedroom door till mom gets home." 

"Bye babe. I'll do that." after Owen left he locked the door and lit a cigarette when he done he put it out on his arm. He covered his face with makeup so his mom wouldn't see. When his mom came home he asked her to go to Owens’s and she said yes so he left with a bag. Owen was so glad when Joey showed up the two them went to his room.  

"Baby I’m had you came. I think you need to tell someone what is going on." there was a long pause Joey looked upset.  

"Who would I tell? My mom doesn't care." 

"We can tell my parents they would help. I love you and don’t want to see you get hurt. " 

"I love too. I don’t wanna talk about this." 

"I'm sorry for bringing it up. I just want to help you." 

"I understand babe and I love you for it." he kissed him while he held his hand. Owen started to think about what he should do and he could help. He didn't want to anyone with out Joey being ok with it. He got up and walked downstairs to where his mom was. 

"Mom I need to talk to you."  

"What about?"  

"If one of my friends is in trouble should I tell or let them tell.'  

"Its depends on the trouble."  

"My friend is being hurt and I want to help him but I don't wanna tell unless he wants me too." 

"Then you should tell someone before things go really wrong."  

 2 months later

Joey's family was having a bbq that meant this aunt was coming. He thought at least his dad would let off. He wanted to be alone in his room or with Owen. Joey was in was room listening to music when his dad came in.

"You coming downstairs to have fun."  

"I’d rather stay to myself." Joey could the rage in his eyes and got scared. 

"You’re coming down."  He grabbed him but the arm dragging him. Joey fell to the floor crying. He got slapped real hard and kicked.

"I will if you stop. Let me change my shirt."  Joey went back in his room to get a new shirt. When he came out his aunt was there.

"Hi Joey how are you?"  

"I’m good."  He went by the bushes to take smoke. His parents still didn’t know that he was smoking. Afterward he put his out on his arm and wrapped it up. His parents went inside to get more food. His aunt noticed the bruise on his arm and went to him.

"Joey does some hit you."  He started to feel sick to his stomach.

"I’m ok."  

"Come with me."  The two of them walked to the bathroom. He looked real nervous.

"Look I just fell everything is fine."  She didn’t buy it so went to lifted up his shirt and jumped back.

"Sonia came in here."  His mom came running she wondered what was wrong. His aunt lifted up his shirt again.

"Look at these bruises. What is going on here? Is someone hitting him?"  

"Joey what happened?" dad hits me. Joey thought to himself, he said to tell the truth but knew no one would listen to him.

"I fell that's it."  He went to walk away but his mom stopped him at the door.

"Honey don’t be scared to tell the truth."  I told you want happen and you didn’t do anything so why should I say anything now. Joey thought to himself. He walked out to his room to pack his stuff and go to Owen's house. As he walked away his dad met him at the door. 

"Where you going?"  

"To Owen's I can’t be here right now."  

"No your not."  He went to grab Joey as his mom and aunt walked out. he was lucky this time.  He walked out the door as aunt Lisa came to Andrew.

"Where did Joey go?"  

"To a friend's house."  

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