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As Joey and Adam were packing things up getting ready to move in 2 days when the phone rang."

"It's your mom. I know I'm the last person you want to talk to but hear me out."

"What do you want?"

"I was wondering if we can talk before you move away."

"Sure we can." The next day they met at the park. To talk Joey didn't really to go but he did anyway.

"Thanks for coming. I wanted to talk about us."

"You know why I stopped talking to you 2 years ago."

"I'm so sorry for everything that happened."

"I don't believe you and you should understand why."

"I understand. But I want you to know my side of the story."

"ok." that made him mad but he'd hear her out.

"I know I should have helped you when I had the chance. I don't think I wanted to face the truth. Joey you know I love you right. I know you think I cared because you were taking away. That's not true. I just after that I face the fact everything was true and I didn't help you."

"Mom you know that day you found with my wrists cut. I was gonna end it because of the abuse. I know you love me but it's hard to love you back. Were you afraid if you told he would hit you?"

"I understand. Maybe I did but that's no excuse for what I did. When you ready to have a relationship I'll be there. Thanks for hearing me out."

"Your welcome. I'll call you when I get to the house. Love you."

"Love you too Joey." she went to hug him and he let her. For the first time in years she held him tight giving him a kiss.

Joey kept in touch with both his mom and Owen. He cut ties with his father because no time would heal anything. He was glad he was talking with his mom. He understood more but it didn't make things right. He also realized he still loved Owen and meant breaking hearts. What would he tell Adam? 2 months later he wanted go back home and be with Owen. He took out this notebook and started to write Owen a letter

Dear babe,

I've been thinking about us for awhile and I can't walk away from us. I still have feelings for you. I'm gonna come home to be with you. This time no one will tear us apart. I'm sorry I said all those things to you, when you're the only one I want. Being apart made me realize that you're the one I want to be with. I love you so much and I wanna marry you.



Joey mailed the letter hoping this time he would make things right. Joey wanted to just pack up and leave. But after almost 4 years he couldn't do that to Adam. Later that night he decided to talk to Adam.

"Adam we need to talk." by that tone he could tell that it wasn't good.

"What's wrong?"

"I love you so much but I still love Owen and I wanna be with him." Adam looked at with shocked and sad look on his face.

"How could do this to me after 4 years. You told me you wanted me over him, now you choose him. Fine just go." he broke down crying Joey went to comfort him but Adam pushed him aside.

"Adam I'm sorry. I still care about you. Don't be mad at me." Adam understood what was going on so wasn't that mad and he still loved him

"If you need go home and make things right I'll understand. I love you so much and want you to be happy." Adam helped him pack his stuff. The two shared one last kiss. The next day Adam got the divorce papers signed them and mailed him to Joey. A month later it was final they were no longer married. A year later Joey and Owen were married together at last, now they are Mr. and Mr. Walker. Joey was so glad to get rid of his last name. They moved to another town in Arizona to be happier

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