chapter 2

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Pic of Joey's parents on the side ----->

When Owen saw Joey he knew something was wrong.

"Is everything ok baby?"

"No. My aunt came today and noticed my bruises and asked me if anyone hit me. Then she showed my mom."

"Did you tell them the truth?"

"No I didn't I felt like no would believe me."

"Baby next time tell. If you don't it'll just continue. I need you to be safe.” He kissed him. Joey was much happier here and wished he didn't have to leave. Owen went to talk to his mom about Joey.

"Mom I need to talk.”

"What is going on?"

"I was wondering if you could talk to Joey's mom and see if he could stay here."

"Honey that’s a lot to think about. Why did you bring it up?" He paused to think about what he would say to his mom.

"Joey is having problems at home and I want to help him."

"I could talk to his parents and see if things could get better. "

"You can't."

"Why?" Owen didn't know what to say. Could he tell what was really going on or wait for Joey. Soon Joey came down and Owen's mom came to him.

"If you are problems maybe you want to talk about it."

"Maybe I might." Joey turned to Owen with a look. Was he mad at Owen? Joey walked away as Owen followed.

"How could you tell her what was happening?”

"I was worried about you and wanted to help. I thought if I brought it up you could stay here. I'm sorry baby."

"I understand. I just wished you could've told me first." The two of them hugged and kissed. When it was getting late Owen was worried that Joey might have to go back home. Owen's mom came into the room.

"It's getting late shouldn't Joey go home."

"Can’t he stay the night?"

"Joey is it ok with your parents if you stay?"

"Yes it is." He lied because he scared of what was waiting for him at home. Soon after his phone rang it was his dad and felt sick as he picked it up


"Bring your ass home right away. I don't want you over there."

"No I'm not coming home."

"If you don't come home right you'll be fucking sorry." Joey hung up the phone and turned it off. The next day Joey came back home he was nervous about what was gonna go down. When he walked into his room his dad was waiting for him.

"So you think you back talk me and get away with it."

"I'm not gonna stop hanging out with Owen just because he's my boyfriend." His dad got up and slapped him down closing eyes. 5 minutes in he called Owen Joey was scared.

"Owen I need you here."

"What is wrong?"

"He got mad and going at." His phone got hung up and Joey would feel something wet falling down his face.

"Listen here you little shit when I say come home you run. I swear if you do again I'll really fuck you up. Do you understand?"

"Yes I do." His dad left the room as Joey crawled to the bathroom. His face was stinging so bad he knew it was bad. When looked in the mirror was and was shocked as filled the sink with water. He put his face in the water turning it a deep red. When he done washing it Joey could see the swelling going on. Fuck this will be hard to hide from everyone. Joey thought as he cried. Soon his phone rang it was Owen.

"Baby are you ok?"

"My face is beat up really bad but I'm ok."

"No you're not ok stop lying to yourself."

"I'm scared he said if I do that again he really hurt me."

"That is it you really need to tell someone what is going on. We need to hang out."

"I wanna come but I don't get in trouble."

"Say you're going to library for school."

"Ok I will." Joey put on a hoodie tied it over his face and went to his mom.

"I need to the library for school."

"Just be back by 7."

"I will." He left and went to Owen's house when he got there Owen he could tell that Joey face was really bad. Owen's mom could tell something was up.

"Joey what is wrong with your face. Show me." He took up his hoodie it was the first he showed it to anyone else but Owen.

"I fell."

"I don’t think that is the truth. Someone hit you did they. Tell me what really happened." Joey wondered what he would say and if something would tell happened. Joey didn't feel right he grabbed Owen's arm before passing out.

"Joey speak to me." Owen hoped that it wasn't do to the abused. His mom carried him to the car and drove to the hospital. On the way she turned to Owen.

"Do you know what happened to Joey?" He paused for a moment but knew he had to tell.

"His father beat him.” She sat there in shock and couldn't believe what she just heard. When they got there Owen got out to get a wheelchair. Owen couldn't bare to see him like that.

"We need help. My son's friend passed out after getting beat up.” When they saw Joey they immediately took him. Owen's mom still wanted to know more.

"Is this the first time he ever hit him?"

"No this happened before. Mom we've gotta help him."

"I know we do. I'll talk to his mom about it." 20 minutes the doctor came out and walked over to them.

"He passed out from lack of blood. We're concerned with all the bruises we saw. Are you his mom?"

"No I'm a family friend. He passed while he was in my care. Can we take him home soon?"

"We're gonna keep him overnight. We’d like to talk his parents." Owen's mom lied to the doctor. She wanted to sure that was the truth.

"They went away for a week but I can answers any questions you have."

"We need to know his information. Have you seen anyone hit him before?"

"Joseph Scott march 20th 1995. No I never saw any of that. Can we see him?"

"Maybe you can get him to talk about what happened." they went in to see him by now he was awake.

"Joey did your father do this to you?" Joey paused but then said something.

"Yes he did. Don’t tell the doctor."

"I'm not. Does this happen a lot?"

"I don’t wanna talk about." He turned away before kissing Owen.

"Mom can we be alone?" When she left they started to talk.

"Tell my mom everything she's make things better."

"I feel like no one will believe me or things could worse." They kissed for awhile.

"I won't let anything bad happen to you. I'll always protect you baby."

"I love you Owen. Don't ever leave me."

"I won't baby." Soon the doctor came back to talk to Joey.

"Can you tell what happened?"

"All I remember is getting hit a lot in the face. I started to feel faint and sick and I woke up here."

"Do you know who hit you?"

"No." Doctor was sure he knew more then he was saying but couldn't prove it and no one wanted to tell the truth.



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