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The next day

Joey went to school he felt nervous he could tell people were staring at his arm. As he was walking he ran into Craig.

"Hey Joey are you ok I heard what happened."

"I'm fine. I want to talk to Owen but I heard he was arrested."

"Yes my brother was because he was trying to protect you from your father and hurt your father." Joey couldn't believe what his lover did for him.

"Tell thanks but I won't help they believed my mom." As he was heading to class he ran into friend of Owen's."

"Joey what happened to you I heard you were really sick. What happened to your arm?"

"I fell I had a stomach bug." He couldn't tell the truth. All he knows was happen to his arm. He didn't even know why he stayed in the hospital for so long. He knew he had a sore throat.

"I'm glad you're ok. Have heard from Owen I 'vent heard from in days.

"I heard his was arrested."

Owen's trial

It was the first time saw Owen since he saved Joey's life. The two ran to each other kissing and hugging each other.

"Miss you so much baby. I'm sorry I wasn't there for you at the hospital. I went crazy when saw your father trying to kill you."

"I'm not mad I'm glad to see you." Soon they took him away to the big room. He saw his father all beat up he turned to Joey.

"I hope they throw the book at your little lover. He attacked me for no reason."

"And the fact that you tried to kill him in front of him don't ring a bell." Joey sat on side by Owen to support him.

"This is the trial of Walker vs. Scott the defendant is facing 2 counts of assault."

"The defendant Owen Walked assaulted the plaintiff Andrew Scott bad enough to causing massive bruising on his face."

"The defendant only hit because he trying to kill the plaintiff son he was only protecting his son."

"We call Owen Walker to the stand." He got up and walked to stand he was nervous.

"Mr. Walker do you sweat that testimony you're gonna give is the truth."


"Mr. Walker can you tell me why you assaulted Mr. Scott."

"I can over to house to my boyfriend his son after being beating by Mr. Scott. After getting him help I saw Mr. Scott trying to really hurt his son. That made me lost it and started beating on him." Andrew's lawyer got up looking at Owen.

"So your claiming that Mr. Scott was beating his son and that is reason you assaulted my client."

"That's the truth I watched him beat Joey. When I was there I saw Joey lying there barely breathing. I couldn't sit by one more time and watch Joey got beat by Mr. Scott's hands."

"So Mr. Walker you're sorry for hurting Mr. Scott." Owen wasn't sorry but he wished things went differently.

"Yes I'm sorry if I could take it all back I would."

3 hours later

The juror came back that made Owen and Joey nervous. Owen was barley 15 and watching his life slip away. The judge looked him.

"Mr. Walker your only 14 so I sentence you 4 years in juvenile hall." Before he was lead away him and Joey just kissed and hugged.

"Baby I'll always I love you. I have to go away for awhile. But I'll be there for you."

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